Page 117 of Bad Intentions

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“What are you doing here?” I muttered quietly to Cayden.

“Eating lunch, what does it seem like?”

Marcus eased into the chair on my other side, all easy smiles. “Bug, you need to start sitting with us, because hiding here at the back of the room really isn’t my style, not at all.”

Cayden leaned forward, his arms resting on the table, to pin Marcus with a look. “I told you not to call her Bug anymore.”

Marcus grinned and shrugged. “What can I say? It’s a habit. Anyway, Bug doesn’t mind.” He glanced at me. “Do you?”

Cayden’s eyes narrowed at his friend. “Call her that one more time. I fucking dare you,” he threatened darkly.

Eve choked on her strawberry milk, her eyes wide. A ripple of whispers exploded around us after Cayden’s muttered threat. Everyone was listening and drawing whatever crazy conclusions they wanted to.

“It’s fine, I seriously don’t care. Stop making a big deal,” I rushed out. “What are you doing?” I twisted in my chair and glowered at Cayden. “People just stopped talking about us, about me…and now they’re going to start again.”

He nodded, a frown pinching his brow. “You’re right. They’re probably wondering where we stand, if we’re together or not.”

“Together?” The word left me on a squeak. “I guarantee that nobody is wondering that.”

“Really?” Cayden looked even more perplexed for a moment, and then shrugged. “Well, I can fix that.”

His arm tightened against my back and yanked my entire seat toward him, the legs loudly screeching against the tile floor. I fell into his chest, but he wasn’t finished. His other hand cupped my jaw, holding it in place.

“Let’s make it crystal clear.”

Then he kissed me. The bastard kissed me, hard, right there in front of everyone, and it was…amazing. His lips were demanding, parting mine without consent, and then his tongue slid along mine. I knew his touch, the shape of his mouth; I knew the way his breath tasted when he whispered my name. Everything I knew about physical desire and intimacy, I’d learned in this guy’s arms, and still, his kiss shook me to my toes. I’d been frozen in ice until he’d arrived in my life. And now, his mere presence sparked a raging inferno of need inside me, and every touch made the flames burn brighter. But sneaking into his room at night was one thing. It was secret, taking place somewhere between dreams and awake, where fantasies of all sorts could thrive. It wasn’t like kissing in front of the entire school, in broad daylight, in the cafeteria. That was far too real.

Marcus clapped, a loud whistle leaving him as I pulled back, finally kicking my brain into motion again.

“What are you doing?” I was panicking. I could feel it happening. I pushed back my chair and stood. I was attracting even more attention, but I couldn’t stop myself. I’d been in the spotlight more in the last few weeks than I’d ever been in my life and it was all getting to be too much for me. I was the invisible girl. A leopard couldn’t change her spots this fast.

I rubbed my fingers over my lips. Everyone was talking now, and I could just imagine what they were saying. They thought we were together.A couple.

“Well, that was entertaining as hell. I’m glad to see that some people seem to have learned the error of their ways, and just so you know,” Eve said and smiled at Cayden, leaning in and whispering loudly, “I’m on your team now.”

“I’m honored,” Cayden responded in kind and laughed when I whacked him in the gut, then promptly freaked out when I remembered his injury.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry! Are you okay?”

He caught my hand where it hovered over the wound in his side. “No, you’ll need to kiss it better.”

“Very funny.”

He was still holding my hand, and now he put it to his mouth and kissed the back. Right there, in front of the entire freaking school. “Relax, Freckles, I’m tougher than I look.”

Eve smiled indulgently between us.

“What?” I asked her a little defensively. Cayden had tucked my hand into his, and it felt awkward to move it, so I left it there.

“Nothing, just planning my side of the room at HHU…since it looks team Stay in Hade Harbor has a new member,” she said innocently, then laughed at my expression and wisely changed the subject. “So, any special game plans for the scouts watching you guys?” She directed her question toward her brother. If anyone needed a scholarship into HHU more than Cayden, it was Asher.

“You’ll just have to come to the game and see,” Marcus interrupted and then nodded toward me and Eve. “Are you two looking forward to cheering for us next year when we rock the Hellions at HHU?”

Eve shrugged. “I’ll be there to cheer you on, but Lily won’t.” She gave me a sad smile. “She’s leaving us for California, isn’t that right, Lil?” She was goading me to agree.

Marcus whistled loudly. “Seriously? You’re skipping town?”

I felt Cayden tense beside me as I nodded. “Yeah, maybe. I talked to my parents about it, and they’re supportive. I’m in, with a full ride. I’d be dumb not to take it.”
