Page 17 of Side By Side

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“Because I’m halfway through a beer, and you just finished your wine. Besides, the Ice Park is closed.”

“You don’t have the key?”

“I do, but–”

“You’re afraid you can’t take me now, aren’t you?”

“I remember you being this competitive back then. I can see at least something hasn’t changed,” Belle replied and quickly finished her beer. “Okay. Come on. It’s a quarter of a mile to walk it.”


“Yeah, I didn’t drive here. And I couldn’t drive now anyway.” Belle held up her empty beer glass. “Just to be safe.”

“I have a car.”

“How many glasses have you had?”

“Two. But I won’t be driving the car. Come on.”

Belle was confused until they were outside the bar, where there was a black luxury SUV off to the side of the small parking lot.

“This is me.”

“Yeah, I guessed. Not a lot of those around this town.”

“Just get in. You can make fun of me along the way.”

Belle got in the car to have it drive them for under a minute on the empty road. When they arrived, she didn’t wait for the driver to open her door but watched as he opened Chandler’s, and she got out of the car, too.

“Thank you,” Chandler said to the driver as he handed over her skate bag.

“Wow. Some things definitely don’t change, then,” she muttered to herself.

“What?” Chandler asked.

“Nothing. Let’s go in through the side door.”


Chandler followed her around to the side door, and Belle unlocked it, letting Chandler walk in first before she turned on the hall light and walked in after her.

“I can meet you out there. I need to get my skates.”

“Okay,” Chandler replied. Then, she looked around. “Or, I could just go with you.”

“Are you–” Belle stopped. “You’re still afraid of the dark?”

“I said you could pick on me on the way here, not when we got inside.”

“Are you?”

“Yes. And I can’t believe you remember that. It’s not really the dark that I’m afraid of. It’s the creepy, empty building in the dark that scares me.”

“Hey, the Ice Park isn’t creepy.”

“It is at night when there’s no one here.”

“Fine. Just come to the locker room. My skates are in there.”
