Page 40 of Side By Side

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“How would it work? I’m not asking because I’m definitely going to do it, so don’t get your hopes up or anything. I just want to know.”

“Oh. Well, we could figure out the details.”

“Okay. But what would some of them be, generally?”

“You’d get paid.”


“More than what you make there. I’ll make sure of that.”

“Your parents would be paying me?”


“Do they pay Walker?”

“No, not like that. Walker got free room and board and a stipend because we asked him to move here, where I have my rink and the gym and everything. He didn’t get an actual paycheck, though. I’d make sure you got a paycheck. I know you and your dad run that place, so I don’t want to leave you or him without anything. I can probably negotiate with my parents to get him something to help him hire or–”

“Chandler, we don’t need charity, okay?”

“I wasn’t suggesting–”

“Just keep going,” Belle interrupted. “I’d get a paycheck.”

“Yes. And you’d have to be here. You know we have more than ten bedrooms, so you’d have one of those. It’s an apartment, really; like an in-law suite that my dad built for my grandparents, who ended up not needing it. It was Walker’s, but he’s back home now. It’s all been cleaned, and his stuff has been put in storage, so it’s all yours if you want it. You’d have real privacy. And we have a personal chef who would make meals and someone who grocery shops, so you can make a list of what you’d want, and they’d get it for you.”

“Wow!” she let out.

“I know. I sound like a spoiled brat, don’t I?”

“Yes, you do.”

Chandler laughed softly and said, “You could be, too, if you want; even if it’s just for a little while. My sister meant it this morning: she thinks you should come here. We talked about it on the flight, and it’s maybe the first time we’ve agreed on anything related to my career in a long time.”

“It’s your career, though.”

“Yeah, but she’s my coach.”

“How long?”

“How long, what?”

“Would I be there?”

“Oh. I don’t know. At least a few months. Maybe longer.”

“So, if I get all the way there, unpack my stuff, and you find a guy to partner with?”

“I told Cat that if you actually agreed to come here, we’d at least slow the search for a while to give this a real chance, and she agreed.”

“She did?”

“She only saw a few minutes, but she’s good at seeing skating talent in people. She watched some of your old stuff on the flight, too, and saw what I always did.”

Belle sat up on the cot and asked, “What did you always see?”

“How good you were.”
