Page 52 of Healing the Twin

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York cleared his throat. “My parents want to sell.”

All heads turned toward him. “They want to sell The Lodge?” Tiago asked.

“Yeah. They’re not getting any younger, and since I’m not interested in taking over…” He made a helpless gesture. “One of the many ways in which I seem to have disappointed them.”

“That’s on them,” I said sharply. “They should be proud of you, considering your career. Any other parent would be.”

“Well, I guess it doesn’t count if you’re not a Marine who gets killed in action.”

York sounded bitter, but he wasn’t wrong. His parents had idolized Essex, which was so many levels of unfair. He’d been such a dick I didn’t even know where to start.

“It’s their loss,” Marnin said softly, and that was so unexpected we all stared at him. “I know what it’s like to have parents who couldn’t care less about you. My father could give your parents a run for their money for the worst parents of the year. Auden’s parents were a better family to me than my own ever was. But as Auden’s dad told me at our graduation, it’s their loss. Our parents are missing out on knowing us, and none of that is on us. And I think we’re better off without them, you know? What does it gain to try and win the affection of people who are not interested? Find your own family with those who love you as you are.”

I was stunned. He was so right, but I’d never expected to hear this truth from Marnin, of all people. But I guess he knew what he was talking about.

Auden squeezed Marnin’s shoulder. “Well said.”

York was quiet for a long time. “Thank you,” he finally said. “You’re right. It’s harder to put into practice, I think, but you’re right.”

And Marnin, god bless him, patted York’s hand. “You’ll get there.”

The whole discussion was making me emotional. “I’m gonna check on my kids real quick,” I said as I got up. I needed a few minutes to compose myself.

“I always get a little nervous when I don’t hear them for too long,” Keaton said, and he would know with two sons himself.

“They’re usually good, but yeah, it never hurts to check.”

I found them in their rooms. Josiah was playing a video game with friends while Gabe was doing an online chess game, completely focused. “You guys can stay up,” I said, but Gabe was too concentrated on his game to give me more than a grunt in return.

Josiah had a little more to say. Once his game had ended, that was. “Is Tomás gonna spend the night?”

“No! Why would you..? No, he’s not. I told you we’re not dating. He’s just a friend. A hookup, I mean.”

“Which one is it, Dad, a friend or a hookup?”

Smart-ass. “Can’t he be both?”

“So he’s a friend with benefits.”

Jesus, I was so not ready for this conversation. “I suppose so, yes. Not that it’s any of your business.”

“Why not?”

“Because someone’s sex life is private, even if it’s your dad’s.”

“So if you start dating someone, we don’t get a say? What happens if we hate him?”

Hmm, maybe there was more behind his questions and remarks than I had thought. I sat on his bed, and he swiveled his desk chair around to face me. “I would never be with someone long term if you or your brother hated that person. You matter more to me than anything or anyone else.”

“That’s a lot of power you’re giving us.”

“Maybe, but I know you well enough you won’t abuse it. We have that much faith and trust in each other, don’t we?”

“I suppose so.” He was quiet for a while, but I could see the gears in his head turning. “Dad, why aren’t you and Tomás dating?”

Damn, Josiah knew how to ask the tough questions, didn’t he? “It’s hard to explain, but we don’t want the same things in the long term. I want someone serious, a partner, and Tomás is… He’s more of a short-term guy, I guess.”

“Hmm. If he wasn’t, would you date him?”
