Page 69 of Healing the Twin

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I slid into him again, the pressure and heat exquisite, making me loathe to pull out. Sex had never been like this, so slow and sensual, almost sacred, with me worshiping his body with selfless awe. My whole being was alive and alight, but it didn’t matter. He was all that mattered. Nothing and no one else existed but him. He was…

I froze.

I was in love with him. The clarity hit me like a clear blue sky after a storm. I was in love with Fir.

Holy shit.




He had frozen midmotion, his body stiff and not in a good way.

He blinked. “What?”

“Everything okay? You stopped moving.”

More blinking. “I did? Oh, right. Yes. Sorry. I was…” He took a breath. “Something hit me, that’s all. Made it impossible to process for a moment.”

I frowned. “Something hit you in the middle of sex?”


“You mean that your brain was online? ‘Cause mine shut off minutes ago.”

“So did mine. It was just… It wasn’t bad, the thought I had. In fact, it was a good one. A positive one. So please don’t take it as if I wasn’t paying attention or wasn’t, you know, enjoying myself. I was. I am.”

He was rambling. I didn’t think I’d ever seen Tomás that flustered. What the hell was going on? “Are you sure you’re okay?”

His expression changed, and the way he looked at me took my breath away. Almost as if… No, I was imagining things, fueled by this stupid, stubborn crush that had me dreaming about things I had no business allowing myself to indulge in.

“I’ve never been better,” he said hoarsely, and then he kissed me again. He was an amazing kisser. Kissing him made me feel like it had been with Samuel, and the strange thing was that it didn’t even make me feel guilty. I’d always loved kissing my husband, and I was happy to find that same joy again with someone else.

Tomás rolled his hips, surging into me again with a smooth, slick slide, and everything melted away. No more words were spoken as our bodies did the talking for us, communicating effortlessly like we could read each other’s minds. Tomás kept sliding into me, every movement sending sparks of pleasure through me that radiated outward. This time the buildup was slow and gradual, gentle increments fueled by the powerful way he used his cock.

We exchanged wet, sloppy kisses, slurping and sucking sounds mingling with the slap of flesh against flesh. Tomás never sped up, just kept that steady rhythm that pushed me higher with every slick slide, every tender touch, every slow, sensual surge into me. It made me rise higher than I thought possible, balancing on the edge for what seemed like minutes, suspended in that moment right before coming. My ass was on fire, my cock throbbing, and my balls so loaded they felt like they would explode.

“Tomás…” I wasn’t sure if I was begging or commanding, if I was pleading or telling him to please, please let me come.

And then he changed his angle slightly and hit my happy spot full on, and fireworks went off. I saw stars, streaks of light in every color of the rainbow, as I clenched my eyes shut and, with gritted teeth, rode my climax. My cock spurted out its load without me ever touching myself, and I kept rocking myself against Tomás’s cock, still buried deep inside me. He wasn’t moving but seemed content to let me ride out this wave of ecstasy until with a last, final shudder, it was done, and I shuddered with the force of it.

Only then did Tomás move again, and with a few thrusts, he let go as well, though his climax seemed a lot more subdued than mine. He held me until his cock softened, but even then, he made quick work of the condom, disposed of it, and rolled right back to cuddle with me. My body slowly came down from its high. Man, that had been one of the best orgasms of my life.

“Thank you,” I said softly. “That was spectacular.”

He kissed the top of my head. “It was…and you’re welcome. Wanna shower together?”

Shower together? Another new thing. And so had been waking up with him still in my bed. “Sure.”

I wasn’t gonna say no to seeing Tomás naked. Ever.

My shower stall was a tad cramped with the two of us, but we made it work. “Turn around,” he said, and I obeyed without thinking.

“Lean back and keep your eyes closed.”

He was washing my hair. Tomás was washing my hair, spreading shampoo between his hands and massaging it into my scalp. I made a porn-worthy moan, and Tomás chuckled. “Feels good?”
