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Nithe watched her march into the bathroom and slam the door shut behind her as Roth muttered something about needing some time alone. He’d been acting weird the whole morning, ever since they’d returned really. No, ever since he’d returned from his and Athon’s old room and whatever errands he’d run. Something must’ve happened. When he’d returned he hadn’t joined them in the shower, instead he’d been waiting for them in their new, bigger, probably very temporary living room where they’d eaten before being summoned to the meeting room.

Nithe shared a worried look with Athon, who followed Roth out into the hallway and wherever he was headed. He knew Athon would keep an eye on him, just in case the guy did something totally, irreversibly, heartbreakingly stupid.

He took a deep ragged breath in and let it out slowly, his turbulent thoughts and haywire emotions heavy on his already overwhelmed psyche. One more big breath in and he headed into the bathroom to comfort the only being who truly understood him.

He heard her soft whimpers as soon as he pushed through the silent door. They reached into his chest and squeezed his heart. When he rounded the corner to the shower his heart damn near broke. She was huddled on the cold tiles of the shower, the heated spray cascading over her trembling form. Nithe didn’t stop to undress, instead he stepped straight in and sat beside her, pulled her onto his lap, and hugged her tight. Together they cried, both happy and sad, angry and confused, as the warmth of the water washed their tears away and calmed his chaotic thoughts. He found comfort in her closeness, something he desperately needed, and felt she did too, after the emotional roller-coaster of meeting their respective fathers, and Roth’s dickwad behavior. His dragon pushed close to the surface, but unlike normal, he didn’t seek to shift, content to be near Jezzie and her touch.

When Nithe finally spoke, his lips moved like a barely there kiss on the top of her head, “Your dad wasn’t exactly ecstatic to realize his newfound, fully grown daughter is in a multi-partner relationship, much less with two of his closest friends, and me, the unknown wildcard.”

“Yeah, I noticed,” she replied with a chuckle.

“You were amazing, by the way. Not just with how you shut that shit down, and shut it down hard, but also with how you handled everything. You are amazing. I know it wasn’t easy, especially with Roth being a prat, but for what it’s worth, I’m proud of you.” His fingers traced slow patterns over her soft skin lovingly.

“It’s worth so much more than you think, mo shíorghrá. You are worth so much more than you think. Ramiel would be the biggest idiot in all the realms if he can’t see how wonderful you are.” She tilted her head up and her lips captured his in the lightest of kisses, her tongue tasted the seam of his lips like a ghostly lover.

Her eyes sparkled up at him as she caressed his cheek and huskily murmured, “Aren’t you uncomfortable in these sopping wet clothes?”

‘Yes! Oh gods yes, take them off,’ yelled his dragon along the link, causing Jezzie’s lilting laugh to fill the echoing room. Nithe, too, couldn’t help but chuckle at his dragon’s impatience.

“It’s been a big day, a stór, are you sure? ‘Cos I cannae guarantee I can hold back if you strip me naked and put your pretty little hands all over me.” The lust in his voice caused his accent to thicken and in response Jezzie bit her bottom lip as he felt her squirm on his thigh, seeking friction.

“I need you, Ni. I want your big, thick, hard cock to fill me, to stoke the fire of desire which rages through my blood and sate it with the bliss and ecstasy of your cock exploding in rapture.” Her brows rose up and down quickly as her words came to a halt, and a mischievous smirk graced her water-kissed lips.

Such kissable lips, which begged to be claimed. A claim his desperately aching soul needed to reassert. His lips crashed down on hers with forceful passion as she ripped his shirt free from his body and tore his pants off . . . Wait, what? How could she do that when he was seated on the ground with her firmly in his lap? He broke the kiss to look down at their bodies. Jezzie’s swirling red shadows twisted around them, ripping every scrap of material from his body. Including his shoes and socks, he realized as he wiggled his suddenly bare toes.

“She wants you too,” Jezzie stated with a grin.

“She?” He was confused, she’d never assigned her shadows a gender before.

“Yes, angel-dragon boy. I is a she, I has decided. You don’ts have a shadow, but no worry, your dragon is mine now too. And yes, I is one shadow, nots shadows, as they all thinks, same for the others. Not thats we minds being shadows. Though I is special. But they will learn in times. I even has a name . . . I think,” whispered a voice from within the writhing wisps. “Come out and play with me, my bigs, hunky dragon.”

His vision shifted and he felt his dragon’s eyes take over. His shock was pushed back as Jezzie moved to straddle him and both his and his dragon’s lust burst free. Before she had time to blink, Nithe grabbed her waist and lifted her up as he stood, carefully so they wouldn’t slip, and exited the shower. She slid down his body slowly, taking her time to rub her wet body over his, before she turned away.

One hand whipped out to grab her wrist and spin her back as he pointed to the floor. His cock ached to take her, and take her he would. Right there, right then. Her shadows reached out to grab a fluffy towel, as if reading his mind, and she probably was, and lay it on the ground.

Jezzie looked up at him, waiting, a question in her wide eyes as she the right side of her lower lip.

“On your hands and knees, my treasure. I want you head down, ass up, and ready to take every last bit of my cock into your dripping wet pussy. Understand? Oh, and be a good girl, and lube me up nice and wet with that pretty little mouth of yours first,” he commanded.

“Yes, Ni. As you wish, my lord,” Jezzie simpered eagerly as she dropped to her knees on the towel. Her hands and mouth moving voraciously over his cock.

“I think that’s enough. Into position. Yes, that’s it. Knees apart a little further. So pretty. I can see all of you, a stór. Your pretty pink lips spread and glistening just for me, such a good girl you are,” he praised as she did as she was told. His words caused her pussy to clench and the glisten turned into a drip.

He pressed his cock slowly into her and became lost to all thought. The slow glide became one hard thrust after another, almost brutal in the search for satisfaction, the need to claim what was his. Vague voices whispered dirty, sexy words in his head and he registered on some level his dragon and the shadows engaged in the link version of phone sex, link sex, but he was too far gone to care.

Pulling free he flipped her over and slammed back into her. Her pleasured moans and his name filled his ears as he leaned forward and bit into the mark he’d placed on her when they’d unwittingly claimed each other. The bond crackled, popped, and zinged, flaring brighter as it was reaffirmed, sparking their orgasms to overtake them as they came together on one final thrust.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Ath demanded, his voice angry and a little scared.

Roth shook his head, he didn’t want to deal with this right now. His heart was breaking, fuelled by anger and a fear he never thought he’d feel again. He couldn’t confide in Athon, couldn’t let him see his internal battle, the hesitation he felt at what he needed to do.

“Look at me, Corazón!” His lover’s voice cut through to his very soul and anger burned through his veins. At himself, at existence, at Athon and the course their path had taken, then and now, he didn’t know, didn’t care.

He welcomed it, embraced its blinding warmth and turned it on the one person he’d sworn never to hurt again. The one person he hoped could take it. The one person he hoped would one day understand. It just wouldn’t, couldn’t, be this day.

As Athon touched his shoulder Roth pushed him away. “Back off, Leviathon. Just leave me the fuck alone!” he yelled, angrily.

“What the hell happened?” Ath asked him, confused. “Why are you doing this? Why are you acting like a giant asshole today? Talk to me, Corazón!” His hand reached out again, but Roth flinched away.
