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“Bye bye now.” Jezzie ended the call with a wave of her hand.

Before she could look around and take in everyone’s reaction, another message light came on. She thought about ignoring it, but something in her heart told her not to. This time there was no video.

“Congratulations, my dear. I truly wish I could have been there in person. It was a beautiful ceremony from what I did get to see. You looked beautiful. Now, Nithe, Roth, Athon, take care of my niece, there are forces at play here, unpredictable ones. Not everyone is who they seem to be, enemies may be allies and trusted friends play nasty games. Also, tell my brother he still owes me a drink

for saving his ass in Florence. Peace out, from your amazing Uncle Micah.” The message ended and Jezzie turned to look at everyone behind her to find everyone looking at her.

“Yeah, about that . . .”

THE END . . .

But is it really?

Or is it just the beginning?




Jezzie stared at the heavy iron door to the cell. It was inlaid with silver, wolfsbane, and enough enchantments to keep even the Almighty locked up inside, should anyone actually survive trying to put them in there. Raum didn’t stand a chance of ever leaving his new home . . . not like she intended to give him the rest of eternity to find that out though. The dark gray stone beneath her feet grounded her, the matching walls with their archaic torches and flickering flames added to the ambience of the place. A dungeon straight out of a medieval tale. Except she wasn’t the princess, this time she was the executioner. Her father-in-law stood beside her, a worried look on his face as he glanced down at her still flat belly.

“Are you sure about this? Maybe it’s not such a good idea.” Concern laced his words.

“Are you kidding? I’ve been hungering for this opportunity ever since our encounter at Demon’s Den. He’ll give us answers, and he’ll pay for what he’s done. Plus, I’ve been extra hungry lately thanks in no small part to your son.” She gave Ramiel a cheeky wink. “Open up and let’s do this.”

Ramiel hesitated, but eventually relented. The big, fat, magical key entered the lock and turned. The door swung inward, Jezzie crossed the threshold, and felt the stones beneath her feet turn to ice.

The monster of her husband’s nightmares knelt chained like an animal to the floor, his arms stretched outward above his head. Still, the fucker had the gall to look at her with mocking amusement.

“Hi there, asshole. Enjoying your new digs?” Jezzie goaded with a sneer. She felt his nervous energy sizzle, followed by his arrogant pride as it burned through her nose with an acrid tang.

“Ah, Balthazar’s little whore. So nice of you to pop in for a visit. How’s my pet doing these days? Does he miss me? I sure do miss him.”

The lascivious glint in his eyes fired the hatred in Jezzie’s blood even higher, and she was ever so glad she’d only agreed to do this if Ramiel stayed out of the room. It was hard enough to control her own hatred, without having to control Nithe’s father’s as well.

Her smile was full of hate, she could feel it fester. She pulled in a breath and tasted his unease, his pride, his envy. Oh, yes, his envy . . .

“My husband is doing just fine, thanks for asking,” she replied, keeping her tone to a bored disinterest. “The wedding was lovely and the four of us are so very happy. Thanks for introducing us, by the way.”

Raum’s eyes flashed, disdain and fury flooded the room. She’d taken away his toy and the little boy in him was hella mad.

Thank fuck they’d gotten Nithe away from him. Balthazar deserved a freaking huge hug next time she saw him.

“Did you come here to flaunt that, or was there something you wanted?” Raum sneered. If a look could burn her to a crisp, she’d be overcooked bacon already.

“Actually, there is. See, I’m here to extract all of your itty bitty little secrets from that soon to be ooey gooey mind of yours. We already suspect Gabriel is your unrequited love . . . Whoops, sorry . . . your boss, we just need to confirm the extent of his treachery and what you’ve done, both under his orders and at your own behest.”

“And you think you can do that? When everyone here has tried and failed? Little girl, you don’t stand a chance.” Raum cackled, and what once would have been an elegant, if not creepy, sound, was now roughened by a dryness and the start of a maniacal spiral into insanity.

“You see, Raum, I’m part psychic vamp, but I’m also my Daddy’s little girl. So, once I finish feeding off of your emotions and memories, I’m going to suck your putrid soul out and devour it whole. Lucifer would be so proud of his daughter for taking out the trash, don’t you think?”

Fear bloomed, and disbelief followed. He thought she was bluffing, but soon enough he’d realize she wasn’t. She watched him build up his mental defenses, brick by brick, already knowing how she was going to tear them down.

Her shadow filled the room and swirled around him angrily, lashing at his pathetic flesh. He filled his mind with images of Nithe and all the things he’d done to him, and Jezzie sucked at the poison that was his soul. The more he tried to fight the harder she pulled. Her control started to slip when he pushed the memory of his first time with Nithe into his mind and thus into hers. She pulled harder, and she didn’t want to stop. She could end this now, she could devour him whole, and he’d be gone from existence forever.

Images of a past far before Nithe flickered like a vintage movie, little frames of things he’d done. And then, a snippet of memory which froze her blood in her veins and halted her feeding frenzy. Jezzie released him from her hold and his head slumped to his chest.

While she felt like crying at the pain and destruction this being had caused she smiled with knowledge of the end he would receive. Most fitting in her opinion. Jezzie took a deep breath and pulled herself together as she crouched down and drew Raum’s gaze back to her, a chilling smile lifted her lips and lit a taunting fire in her gaze.

“The hammer’s going to hit. The ax is going to fall. Soon you’ll wish you were still stuck here on your knees. Nothing can save you now from the wrath of Vengeance when he comes to call. Goodbye, Raum. Thanks for the memories.”

The door slammed shut behind her as she exited, and she looked up at Ramiel. “Gabriel is confirmed, even more than he was before.” She shook her head. “I swore I’d be the one to end that sack of shit, but I was wrong. That honor belongs to another, not I. It’s time to call in Balthazar. Just make sure you bring the photograph he keeps in his desk drawer when you go to get him. Whatever you do, don’t let him know you have it, and don’t use it before you have to. Only do so if you’re prepared to get no further answers. For your safety, I recommend you exit stage left immediately and leave him to it. If he needs me, you know where I am.”
