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“I can help you get rid of the rash—”

“Yes. Do that. I want it gone.”

Wynter gave him one of Anabel’s reversal potions, advised him against ever again trying to misuse magick, gave him a few placatory comments, and then slammed the door shut.

Perching her hands on her hips, she turned to glare at Delilah. “So when I told you not to sell any more of those freaking potions, what is it exactly that you heard?”

Delilah flapped her hand in an “oh relax” gesture and made her way back to the kitchen. “Come on, Wyn, you saw how effective they are at making people face their fuck-ups.”

“I also saw a goddamn dick-shaped rash on his forehead.”

Delilah shrugged, retaking her seat. “Karma works in mysterious ways.”

“Karma has nothing to do with you being a fucking nut.”

“I’m just handing out life lessons. The world needs more people like me. Even Xavier agrees with that.”

“And you’re going to put weight in the words of a pathological liar?”

Pausing in shuffling his cards, Xavier frowned. “Hey, there’s no pathology at play here. I merely have a fondness for stretching the truth.”

Wynter snorted at him. “You don’t even go near the truth, let alone stretch it.”

He rolled his eyes. “Everybody lies. Including all of you. Delilah does it every time she swears she won’t sell more karma brews. Anabel does it every time she promises she’ll stop experimenting on herself with her newly created potions. Hattie does it every time she claims she’s sorry for killing her husbands—”

“Excuse me, that is not a lie,” Hattie cut in, fishing a homemade tea ball out of the cupboard’s collection. “I’m very sorry for what I did.”

“You regret poisoning them?” he asked. “Really?”

Hattie hesitated. “Well, no, but I am sorry it came to that.”

Wynter cut her gaze back to Delilah. “I need you to stop selling those potions.”

Delilah’s brow creased. “But I’m providing a service to society.”

“You’re being a menace to society.” And the woman got a damn kick out of it.

“I am on a path.”

“To getting yourself killed by someone you’ve pissed off.”

Delilah folded her arms. “I’m merely following the teachings of—”

“A witch who feasted on human flesh.”

“No one’s diet is perfect.”

Wynter breathed deeply. Lord, give me strength. “I love you, Del, I do. That’s why I ride your ass over this. Please be a little more careful with your life.”

Delilah arched a brow. “And this is coming from the woman who put a curse on the land of Aeon, earned the wrath of the uber powerful immortals who live there, and then went and shacked up with an equally powerful being who’s hiding all sorts of secrets?”

“I wouldn’t say I’ve ‘shacked up’ with Cain.”

“And that’s the part we should be concentrating on. I’m so glad you see that.”

Another knock came at the door.

Xavier rose from his seat. “I’ll get it this time.” His tarot cards winked out of view, no doubt returning to his bedroom altar by magick, as he unhurriedly strode from the room.
