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“You must be kidding! Is this some kind of sick joke to you? I’m not handing you anything until I see my daughter,” Hudson said.

The men with Dylan cocked their guns and advanced toward us. One of them dragged the briefcase from Hudson’s hands while the other yanked me by the arm.

Hudson stood there, unable to move for fear of being gunned down.

“Not so tough now, are you? Give me one reason why I should let you walk out of here alive, huh?” Dylan demanded.

“Dylan, please, he’s done nothing to you. You have what you want now. Please just give him his daughter back and let them go. I beg you, ” I pleaded.

Hudson stood at the spot where he was, breathing furiously. Dylan heaved a deep sigh and turned to one of his men. “Let’s go.” Then, he turned back to Hudson and smiled mischievously. “See these cars piled up here? This beautiful arrangement is about to go up in flames in, say, six minutes. So you better start searching if you want to see your little girl again.”

“You asshole! That wasn’t the agreement!” Hudson screamed as he frantically began to check out the cars while yelling out June’s name. He looked so scared as he searched. I could imagine all that was going through his head. I earnestly prayed that nothing happened to June on my account. I would never be able to forgive myself.

Hot beads of sweat formed on Hudson’s face as he scurried through the space filled with abandoned vehicles. I watched him in tears as Dylan and his men dragged me away.

“Don’t even dare to think of doing anything stupid, like trying to escape. I would still drag you home with me with a bullet to your legs,” Dylan warned. We were out of sight and heading to the truck they came with. The building had a different entrance, and they had parked right outside that one.

“How are you so cruel? What if he can’t get to his daughter in time? She’s just an innocent little girl!”

“No one is really ever innocent, my darling Madison. Get inside!” He pushed me into the open truck without caution and slammed the door right after. He got in through the other end and slammed the door shut as well.

“Drive!” Dylan ordered, and the man on the steering wheel turned on the ignition and rode off at full speed.

“Where’s your phone?” Dylan asked, grabbing my handbag forcefully.

“What are you doing?” I tried to drag my bag out of his hands, but he overpowered me and reached into my bag.

He pulled my phone out and threw it out the window.

“Are you crazy?! What did you do that for?”

“Just making sure we’re not being followed. He could always track your phone.” He kept rummaging through my bag, smiling like a maniac.

“I don’t have a second phone, if that’s what you’re looking for.”

“But you could have a gun or a tracker.” He shrugged and examined my handbag on all sides. “Oh well, why don’t we just throw this all out?” He flung my handbag out the window as well, then clapped his hands together, signifying that he had accomplished his task.

“That bag was pretty expensive, you crazy person!”

“How would I know? I mean, I’m not as rich as your grumpy boyfriend. Are those expensive, too?” My earrings had caught his eye now as he reached out to feel them. Fear gripped me. I wondered if he would try to get rid of them as well. Perhaps he was suspecting some foul play.

“Get your hands off me!” I slapped his hands right off, trying not to let my anxiety show.

“You look so much sexier when you’re upset. Damn!” He pushed my head closer and kissed me against my will.

I pushed him away and wiped my lips in disgust with the back of my hand. He laughed mischievously and ran his hand through my hair.

“So that’s what those lips taste like? Even better than I had imagined. We’re gonna have such a lovely time tonight. I’ve got everything set up.”

I tried to remain calm, hoping that Hudson and June were all right and were already coming for me as planned.

“Meanwhile, we’ve got to get rid of those,” he said, pointing to my earrings.

“My earrings? Why? This is just jewelry.”

“Yeah, I know. But I don’t want you having anything of his on your body anymore. I’ll get you fresh pairs of everything.”

I was hesitant. There would be no way for the police to track us anymore if there wasn’t a tracking device anymore.
