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“Do you want to hand them over willfully, or do I have to yank them off your ears?” His smile had suddenly turned into a scowl. I gradually began to take off the earrings while thinking of what to do next.

“Good girl.” His frightening, mischievous grin returned. He smoothened my hair once more, taking strands of it behind my ear.


Amy and some of the policemen had joined me to search through the overlay of cars for June, while a couple of others had followed the tracking device to get Madison back. The garage was going to blow up anytime soon. Judging from the time frame he gave, we only had about one minute left. I raced from car to car, my heart beating faster than the wheels of a speeding vehicle.

“She’s here! I’ve found her!” I heard one of the men announce. I instantly raced toward him. He was carrying June in his arms. She had her hands tied and her mouth taped shut so she couldn’t speak or scream.

“Baby! Thank God! Thank God we found you! I was beginning to go crazy!” I said as I took June from his hands.

“We need to leave here now! We’ve got barely a few seconds left!” The second-in-command ordered and had us racing toward the exit.

I finally had my little girl in my arms again. Seeing her face again made me feel so relieved. I had imagined the worst outcomes.

We had raced a good distance away from the garage, yet there was no explosion. The time had certainly elapsed. It had now dawned on me that my mind had been played with; there was no explosive anywhere.

We stopped running at some point, giving me the opportunity to put my baby girl down and take off the tapes over her arms, legs, and mouth.

“Daddy” were the first words she uttered with a faint voice and tears in her eyes.

“I’m here, baby. I’m here now. I’m so sorry, I really am. I’ll make that fool pay for what he did to you. You can be sure of that.”

“We need to get her to a hospital. Let the doctors have a look at her. She doesn’t look good at all,” Amy suggested.

“You both go ahead,” the officer said, then turned to one of the men with him. “You’ll go with them. Keep them safe. The rest of us will follow up on getting the lady back.”

I advanced quickly toward my car and sat at the back. Amy took the steering, and the detective sat beside her in front.

Throughout the ride to the hospital, June didn’t say another word. She just held onto me tightly.

We got to the hospital, and she was taken into the examination room. I sat at the reception with Amy and the police officer, my hands over my head.

All I just wanted to hear was that she was all right and didn’t get molested in any way; that was an even bigger fear I had.

The doctor came out shortly after. His countenance didn’t look too grim, and that gave me hope. “Your little girl is fine. She’s just really weak as a result of starvation and dehydration. Get her some food, then some water or juice. You can add some fruits as well if you like.”

“All right, Doctor. I’ll get on it right away. Thank you so much.” I heaved a deep sigh and had Amy stay back with June while I went ahead to grab dinner for everyone.

All that was left was for Madison to return and for Dylan to be thrown behind bars. Then, my heart would completely be at peace.

“Where’s Madison, Daddy?” June asked as soon as I returned from getting dinner.

“She had to go take care of something, baby. She’ll be back soon,” I replied, excused myself, and stepped outside. Then, I called the detective to ascertain what the latest development was on Madison.

“The truck is in sight now. We’re trailing behind. We are going ahead to intercept,” the detective reported.


Ihad taken the initiative to discard the earrings myself through the window.

“I think we’re being followed,” Dylan’s driver announced.

Dylan had swiftly turned his back to confirm the information. I turned around, too, like I didn’t know what was going on.

“How is this possible? How were they able to trace us?” He looked at me in suspicion. My face was indifferent, not caving into his stern look. “Drive faster. I need you to lose them.”

The man did as he was instructed and accelerated the vehicle.
