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“I want to ask her to marry me. I’m sure she’s the woman I want to grow old with.”

Amy poked my shoulders excitedly. “You don’t know how happy this news makes me. Are you sure, though? You know, once you begin the process, there’s no going back. I won’t allow you to string the poor girl along over nothing.”

“The reason I took all this time to confess my feelings in the first place was this. I wanted to be sure of whatever I was going into. I didn’t want to make a promise to commit to something and then back out along the line. That’s never been the kind of man I am, you know this.”

“I’m truly happy for both of you. You both deserve to be happy together. You’ve been through so much individually.”

“Thank you, Amy. I’m happy, too. It finally feels like I have found someone who completes me once again. Will you help me out with the proposal? I’m all rusty, and you’re really creative with these things.”

“First of all, you’re not rusty, and you can be creative with these things, too. You just like to give me stuff to do.” She wasn’t entirely wrong there.

“Please, just help me with this one more thing.”

“All right, fine. For Madison’s sake, I’m going to work with you to give her the kind of proposal she truly deserves. Just so you know, though, you owe me. Two big favors now.”

“Just don’t ask for any of my houses or cars. I will not part with my prized possessions. And I’m definitely not giving you any more time off, except for when you’re giving birth.”

“What’s then left to ask for?” she quipped with a playful tone.

We both laughed. I went ahead to fetch June from the room, and we went back home.

In the days that followed, Amy and I worked on the proposal. She suggested that it should be on a boat; I didn’t object. I had tricked Madison into believing that we were both just going on a cruise for two days—the getaway trip we had been gunning for. She had packed a few things, and we had dropped June off at my parents’ house. They were aware of the engagement and trusted my judgment a hundred percent. Or perhaps they were just really happy that I had found love again.

“Why won’t you tell me where we’re going exactly?” Madison asked again, curiosity getting the best of her.

“I told you it’s a surprise. Just be patient. Once we get to the place, you’ll know where you are.”

I watched her take her bag into the cabin, where she met the best shock of her life.


The cabin was filled with family, friends, and a good number of well-wishers. Everywhere was finely decorated with huge letter balloons that read “Marry me, please?” An Ed Sheeran masterpiece played in the background, adding to the aesthetic feel of the moment.

She turned to look at me, her face covered in smiles. I had gone down on one knee, brandishing the ring before her eyes.

“Babe, I want to begin on the journey of life with you by my side for as long as we both shall live. What do you say? Is this something you wish to do as well? Would you do me the honor of being my wife?”

She pulled me up from the ground and locked my lips in a passionate kiss. There was an evident grin on her face when she eventually pulled away. She was about to cry again while nodding in response to my question. “Nothing would make me happier, babe.”

A grin spread across my face, too, as I held her hand and slid the ring into her finger.

We kissed again, and everyone was clapping and cheering.

We received rounds of congratulations individually from everyone in the room. There was a look of admiration in their eyes. We did make a fine couple. Amy was more excited than everyone else; she wouldn’t stop teasing us.

“I can’t wait to be an aunt again. I would like a boy this time so I could name him Jaden.”

“Oh, please, Amy,” was Madison’s response. She couldn’t stop laughing.

I took her aside for a moment to slow-dance with her.

“Hello, Mrs. Powell. Can I have this dance?”

“You sure can, Mr. Powell.”

I grinned like a little boy who had just received a bar of candy. “So, I was thinking we should still go on a trip. I mean, we spent all that time packing up those small boxes. Might as well make good use of it.”

“I couldn’t agree more. Where do you have in mind?” she asked.
