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Okay, maybe a man as gorgeous as Caleb wasn’t the safest choice for her inaugural attempt. But at least she had hard data that he was interested in her. That was a pretty good starting place.

“Morning,” Caleb said when Penny stepped up to the register. He wore the wary expression of a dog afraid of being kicked, but at least he wasn’t ignoring her completely.

Penny gave him her warmest smile, trying to set him at ease. “Good morning.”

“Lavender latte?” he asked, relaxing a minute amount.

“Yes, please.”

He rang her up without another word and went to make it while Elyse took over at the register. Penny watched him, trying to work up the courage to make her move. It was Friday, and he didn’t usually work on the weekends unless they were shorthanded. If she didn’t do it today, she might not have another chance until Monday. She didn’t think she could wait that long—not when the clock was already counting down toward his departure.

“I still have your hoodie,” Penny said when Caleb brought her latte over. “I meant to bring it back to you, but I keep forgetting.” This was a lie. It was sitting on the arm of her couch. She’d looked right at it as she was walking out the door today and decided not to bring it. Truthfully, she wasn’t ready to give it up yet. It was the only piece of him she had.

“It’s okay,” he said, already starting to edge away. “Don’t worry about it.”

He wasn’t going to make this easy for her, was he?

“I went to see George yesterday at the hospital,” she said.

That stopped him. He turned back to her. “How’s he doing?”

“Pretty well, I think, considering.” She sipped her latte, waiting to see if he’d say anything else. When he didn’t, she said, “You should go see him.”

He nodded, looking less than thrilled at the prospect.

“I know he’d appreciate it. He adores you.”

“I’ll try.” The way he said it sounded more like no way in hell.

Whatever, she wasn’t his mother. It wasn’t her job to nag him about social niceties. New Improved Penny didn’t do that kind of thing for men anymore.

“So med school, huh?” She tried to keep her voice light, like she was just making friendly conversation.

A muscle tightened in his jaw. “Yeah.”

“I had no idea. How old are you?”

“Twenty-three. I took a gap year after college to save money.” He grimaced. “And to work on my MCAT scores.”

Penny was twenty-five, which meant she was chasing after a younger man. Somehow that made it even more enticing.

He shifted his feet and stared at the floor, clearly desperate to get out of the conversation. Any second now he’d make his escape. If she left it up to him, they’d go back to the way things were before, when he’d barely acknowledged her existence. And then in a month he’d be gone. She’d never see him again.

Unless she did something.

Here goes nothing.

“I’ve been thinking about what you said yesterday.”

He lifted his eyes from the floor. “Oh.”

“Yeah.” Penny looked around. It was quiet in the shop. Now was as good a time as any. “Can we…?” She tilted her head toward the back where they’d had their tête-à-tête yesterday.

“Hey, Elyse,” Caleb said without taking his eyes off Penny. “I’m taking a break. You’ll be okay on your own for a few, right?”

“Uh huh.” She waved him off without looking up from her phone.

Penny slid off her stool and followed Caleb into the back. This time, she was clearheaded enough to bring her purse with her. Her knees felt a little wobbly though, and she put a hand on the cinderblock wall to steady herself.
