Page 100 of The Queen’s Shadow

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‘Get used to it.’ He murmured. ‘Stay on guard. Her inviting you to stay overnight is not coming from a place of hospitality.’

‘Yeah, I figured.’

“Come,” Zayne drawled, standing up from where he had perched on the side of Vespara’s throne. “I’ll show you to the guest wing.”

I turned to follow him when Vespara suddenly screeched at me.

“YOU DARE LEAVE WITHOUT BOWING BEFORE ME!?” She leapt to her feet, her manic, bubbling aura erupting around her in her sudden fit of rage.

I froze, raising an eyebrow at her.

“I have not yet signed any sort of agreement with you, Princess Vespara. Until that time, I bow to no one.”

Amon rubbed his velvety aura through me in approval at the statement.

‘That’s my girl.’ He purred, and I shuddered, though I wasn’t sure if it was from the praise or from fear of what the insane princess might do.

As quickly as it came, Vespara’s rage disappeared, and she smiled at me, cocking her head to the side in a way that reminded me of the widowmaker.

“You will bow.” She said with a confident, knowing smile that set my teeth on edge. “But first - a feast!” She clapped her hands twice and suddenly vanished, leaving the five of us standing alone in the megaron in silence.

“Well. She’s fucken bat shit.” Rycon snorted, and despite the ominous feeling pooling in my gut, I bit back a laugh. I couldn’t agree more. The trouble was getting this particular bat shit crazy daemon on our side. Looking at the expression on Cerenah’s face, I was already beginning to wonder if I needed to start thinking of a plan B.

Something told me there would be no reasoning with this particular flavor of crazy.


Zayne led us out of the megaron and back into the palace. The guest wing was as large and grand as the rest of the massive structure; however, this part of the palace had towering ceilings and pristine marble walls. Massive paintings lined the halls, depicting ancient battles and epic landscapes of The Dominion. I tried not to marvel as we walked through the echoing hallways.

“You can stay here.” He said to me, gesturing to the first door. It was painted blue with gold accents. “This is our largest suite, there are several bedrooms inside that your party can stay in.”

I nodded in thanks and went to open the door when Zayne stopped me.

“I will come to collect you for dinner. Vespara has requested that you come alone.” He said to me, his expression still blank. Both Rycon and Jeremy exploded.

“Absolutely not.” Jeremy snarled.

“Like fuck she’s going alone.” Rycon scoffed.

Zayne just shrugged. “This is not up for debate.” He told me, not bothering to even look at Rycon or Jeremy.

“Additionally, as our guests, Vespara has requested that you enjoy the amenities of the palace to their full potential. She would prefer it if you did not venture outside these walls.”

“What?” I asked, startled, and Rycon growled next to me. “She’s… keeping us prisoner?”

Zayne smiled at me, and gestured to the beautiful door that housed what I was sure was an even more exquisite suit.

“Not prisoners. Guests.” He corrected, and my eyes narrowed.

“Guests who can’t leave?” I countered, but he just smirked and slid his hands into his pockets before turning away.

“You’ll find you have everything you need right here, in the palace.” He called over his shoulder, before disappearing down the hallway.

“What an ass.” I grumbled, turning to open the door. Rycon and Jeremy were both bristling next to me as we filed in. Cerenah was quiet and stiff. I frowned at her, wondering if there was anything I could do to make her more comfortable, despite the fact that we were currently staying in a place that I was sure housed her worst memories.

I shut the door behind us and took in the suite. It was two stories, and every inch of the space was carved from white marble. The entire back end of the suite was open air and built with the trademark white columns that made up the rest of the palace, giving us a clear view of the sprawling city that was Midasara. Chaise lounge chairs were adorned with overstuffed blue velvet pillows, and golden tables were strewn with reading material of all kinds. There was even a small built-in kitchen that was overflowing with fruit, fresh breads and pitas for snacking.

I felt like I was in a resort of some kind. Moving upstairs, I found four bedrooms with large king-sized beds and equally impressive city views.
