Page 116 of The Queen’s Shadow

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We had a moment of understanding.

He was in charge now. He pulled the strings, and unless we were willing to throw this entire court into chaos, we couldn’t kill him. The Court needed a leader, and Zayne had no heirs. We either needed to ally with him, or risk Ash Nevra adding a leaderless court to her list of conquests.

Elektraz crouched down behind me on its perch, its massive head coming to rest by my shoulder and together we stared down The Bone Prince. I was shocked by the Titan’s apparent allegiance to me. I, like every other daemon in The Dominion, had faced Frira for my Quickening. I had barely escaped with my life. The magick of Elektraz felt the same, but somehow, entirely different. It was as if Elektraz and Frira’s magick came from the same pool, but travelled the world through different streams.

I had heard stories as a child of the four mighty Titans that had helped The Origin to carve the way for this planet, but I had always thought them to be fairytales. Looking over at this massive creature born of storm and sky, I wondered if the stories had indeed been true.

I felt an affinity with this bird, and I knew in my heart that it had been Elektraz who had struck me with that bolt of lightning. The Titan had ended my life, only to bring me back, remade into who I was always meant to be.

A Lightning Keeper.

Queen Raven seemed to understand that Zayne now had full command of The Court of Greed and floated across the megaron to stand with me. Rycon and Jeremy followed.

No matter how much power Zayne had just inherited, he did not stand a chance against a Titan, a Lightning Keeper and The Origin’s Daughter.

“You’re free, Zayne. Tell us where Kasha is.” Raven ordered.

He raised an eyebrow at her and rolled his head on his shoulders, cracking his neck.

“You are correct. I am free. Thank you.” He sneered.

“Zayne…” Raven warned. I felt her darkness spring to life. Her energy was so potent, I could almost see it as it rolled through her veins and gathered in her fingertips. “Don’t make me hurt you.” The Dark Queen threatened.

“I don’t think that you will. You still need me.” He smirked, and Rycon snarled. He pointed his gun at him, sighting down the lens.

“I don’t give a fuck about anything you have.” He snarled. “I will cut you in half.”

Zayne just chuckled, waving a hand at the shifter. I felt his marionette strings latch onto Rycon’s bones, holding him in place. They felt significantly stronger now. I was sure Raven could still sever them, though, perhaps just not as easily as she had before. Her power was terrifying and matched that of the Titan that stood next to me. Zayne, cocky as ever, did not seem to be concerned. He knew he had something Raven needed, and I had never seen him pass up on an opportunity to exploit a weakness.

“So impatient.” He drawled, before examining his fingernails. “Now, if you’re done so rudely interrupting, I think your Queen will want to hear what I have to say.”

“Spit it the fuck out, Zayne.” Raven snapped.

He smirked. “As you can see, I’m now the ruling monarch of this court. The Court of Greed is loyal to me. Which means I have the power, if I so choose, to give you the funding you so desperately need to wage your war against Ash Nevra.”

Raven narrowed her eyes at him.

“You already agreed to these terms. I have freed you; you owe us your allegiance.” She said, and I wracked my brain back to the way we had worded the deal with him in the tavern. I kicked myself for being so foolish.

‘I will ensure Vespara’s alliance to your cause in the upcoming war in exchange for my freedom.’

He had promised us Vespara’s alliance, not his, and Vespara was dead.

He tutted his tongue condescendingly. “You would think that Prince Amon’s mate would be more adept at these games, but alas, you have proven to be more of the ‘kill first and ask questions later,’ type. Shame. Look where that has gotten you.”

“Zayne, you are treading on my last nerve.” Raven hissed, and Elektraz let out a deafening chirp in agreement.

“Yes, I owe you the location of the chameleon, and you shall have it. She is of no consequence to me. However, if you do not want to risk me sending my gold and my armies to aid Ash Nevra, when she already has The Court of Gluttony on her side, you will listen to what I have to say.”

He wanted something. Something he knew Raven was not going to be comfortable parting with. I ground my teeth together, already having a good idea of what he was going to ask for.

“We are listening, Zayne. What is it that you want?” I interjected. He slid his gaze, dreadfully slowly, away from Raven and towards me. He allowed his hazel eyes to take me in, that familiar cruel smile curling across his face.

“I think you know what I want, little Lightning Bug.” His voice was dark and sweet, and it cut right through my restructium to my bones.

“I have already told you.” Raven’s voice was equally dark. She moved to stand in front of me, and my chest tightened. “Cerenah is not for sale.”

I stared at her, unable to keep the awe from my expression. She was defending me. She was protecting me. When there was so much at risk, and all she had to do was give him one daemon whom she owed nothing to, to tip the scales in her favor. Still, she refused. I knew she wouldn’t give me to him, no matter what he promised her.

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