Page 119 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Order,” Sofia called, bringing her mallet down on the sound block. The room fell silent at her command, and she called forward a small German witch from the audience. “Honorable Elsbeth Hexenauer, do you speak for The Board in response to Honorable Conrad Brown’s requisitions?”

“I do.” The small, rotund witch said, her rosy cheeks flushing as she turned to address the congregation. A small scroll appeared in her hands. My body tensed. This was it. Conrad’s knee was bouncing next to me, and his mouth was covered with one hand as he watched the witch get her bearings, before reading out the final verdict. I met Meredith’s gaze in the crowd, and she pursed her lips. The heaviness in the air felt palpable.

“In response to Honorable Conrad Brown’s first requisition for access to the archives, The Board votes in his favor. The Board agrees that an artifact as powerful as The Flute, should not be left in any one being’s possession and is an immediate threat to the balance. Honorable Conrad Brown is permitted to seek a counter charm for the magick of The Flute to allow us to neutralize this threat.”

I let out a breath I didn’t know I had been holding, and Conrad leaned back in his seat next to me, his shoulders sagging in relief. I glanced over at the challenging council and was not surprised to see Trenton’s eyes flash in anger. He had not been expecting that any more than we had. Good.

“In response to Honorable Conrad Brown’s second requisition, to join forces with The Origin’s Daughter and support her claim to the daemon throne, The Board has voted against taking action.”


“The Board also refuses Honorable Trenton Blackwood’s challenging requisition to lend forces to the current reign of Queen Ash Nevra. The Board feels that to lend our forces to either side of this conflict will further disrupt the balance, in lieu of maintaining it. Board members from this congregation are forbidden to involve themselves in this war in any way. Individuals who choose to do so, will be at risk of losing their honored status and seat.”

‘I suppose that means you will not be permitted to return with me to court?’ I confirmed in Conrad’s mind. His fists were clenched so tightly in his lap, that his knuckles cracked.

‘Yeah.’ He responded, not taking his eyes off the Honorable Elsbeth Hexenauer.

‘At least you were given access to the archives. Even if you can’t come back with me to help us fight, if you find something we can use, that will be more than enough to give us a significant edge.’

I wanted to reassure him. He looked like he was in physical pain at the verdict. He had done all he could, and the last thing I wanted was for him to feel as though he had let us down, or not done enough.

‘A idiat ting dat.’ He murmured into my mind. I patted him on the shoulder.

‘You did all you could, Obeah Man. This is better than I expected, at least they aren’t backing Blackwood either.’

Glancing over at Blackwood, I frowned. He was watching Elsbeth with an expression that caused me to fear for the small witch’s life. He leaned over and whispered into The Siren’s ear. She pursed her lips and stood silently, slipping like a ghost down the perimeter of the room, into the audience. I elbowed Conrad and nodded towards the challenging bench. He glanced over and frowned.

“Are you quite finished?” Trenton asked abruptly as he stood, smoothing his suit jacket down as he did so.

The entire Board turned to gape at him in shock. Speaking out of turn during a meeting was simply not something that was done.

“Honorable Trenton Blackwood, you do not have permission to speak. This is a verdict, and the Honorable Elsbeth Hexenauer has the floor. A senior member such as yourself should not need to be reminded of basic protocol.” Sofia snapped.

Trenton’s eyes flashed and the corner of his mouth tipped up. It wasn’t a smile. It was a baring of teeth. The scent of sulfur and ash rolled through the room as Trenton reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a book of matches that he fingered idly.

A chill ran through me. Conrad shot to his feet and bellowed to Sofia;

“Sofia! Remove di wards, ‘erbody run!’

Sofia looked at him, bewildered, a moment too late.

Trenton struck a match and with a wave of his hand, the small flame turned to an inferno. Without warning he aimed a jet of fire directly at the Sorcerer General. It hit her in the chest and she flew back into the door behind her podium. I could smell the sharp scent of burning polyester and flesh from where the jet of fire had burned through her robe. Conrad leapt over the railing, reaching for his magick, but the only water in the room was what the audience had brought to sip on. The thin ribbons of water that snaked from water glasses to answer his call paled in comparison to Trenton’s fiery inferno.

I leapt over the banister and rushed forward. He could blast me with his fire all he wanted. I would show him what it meant to burn. I had no weapons, but my hands were more than enough to deliver a killing blow. His eyes flashed to me, and he spat on the floor before me.

“Nytara, grab the healer.” He ordered, and before I could even register what he had said, Nytara had snatched up Meredith from where she stood in the crowd. A large, sharp blade of ice forming in her hand. She held the tip of the blade to Meredith’s throat and both Conrad and I froze. I glanced at Mr. Abbey who looked absolutely furious.

The crowd had erupted into chaos, magick folk were once again, running for the doors that would not open, or hiding beneath desks.

Elsbeth scurried by Trenton, looking for cover. He grabbed her by the back of her robe on the way by and wrapped his hands around the sides of her head. He twisted her neck violently. There was a sickening snap and she crumpled to the ground, dead.

“Everybody, sit.” He snarled, his voice somehow loud enough to be heard over the screams of shock and horror at Elsbeth’s sudden murder. The crowd fell still.

“Now. Or I will ensure Nytara gives us all a stunning encore. Sit down.” The already terrified audience looked at Nytara with wide, fearful eyes, before slowly obeying Trenton’s order. I ground my teeth together. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Meredith. She was staring at me, quivering in Nytara’s grasp.

‘Don’t move, Little Witch, I will fix this.’ I whispered into her mind. She nodded minutely, and I winced as the tip of the ice blade moved against her throat with the tiny motion.

I had seen countless battles and wars, witnessed, and committed horrific torture and faced unspeakable evils. However, I hadn’t known true fear until this moment.
