Page 130 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“I should kill you and give your place to someone who deserves it.” He hissed, and I felt my patience run out. Sparks leapt from my fingers, and I allowed the electricity to course through me. I moved toward Zayne as arcs of lightning crackled around me, illuminating the stone chamber with sharp cracks of light.

“Zayne, enough.” I threatened, and he finally turned away from the guard, giving me a considering look up and down. His eyes roamed over my body, and despite the restructium that painted my limbs, I felt naked in front of him. He always had a way of disarming me with just a look. I swallowed but refused to back down.

Finally, he gave me a sneer and a nod. He tossed the guard by his bones to the back of the crowd that stood before us. The daemon fell in a heap in the back of the chamber before getting shakily to his feet. He kept his gaze cast down, but I didn’t miss the tiny smile that cocked on the side of his mouth. Despite Zayne humiliating him, he was clearly still just grateful to be free.

“Much better, little Lightning Bug.” Zayne murmured under his breath, before turning back to the small group of guards.

“You’re next!” He pointed to another daemon in the crowd, before stalking back to stand by me again. “No more delays. I will kill the next daemon to make a fucking fool of themselves. There are hundreds who would give their lives to be in your place. Do not disappoint me.”

Methodically, I freed each of them, one by one. None of the other guards tried to touch me.

Once the battlements were armed with the free soldiers, I stood with Zayne on top of the wall and gazed out at the looming army that stood before us. The invading infantry seemed to span for miles. Perfect black squares of daemons organized in squadrons stood at attention, the banners from The Court of Lust and The Court of Gluttony flapped wickedly in the winds from Elektraz’s storm.

The massive Titan continued to circle overhead, occasionally disappearing into the inky clouds that hung in a rain-soaked blanket overhead. I wondered what the soldiers below thought of the Titan’s presence. I myself still did not entirely understand why it was here, or what it would do. I was only grateful that for the time being, it seemed to be on our side.

In my years serving Zayne’s family, I had seen many daemons meet their end in the storm ring. I hadn’t realized it had been a Titan that was responsible for the bolt of lightning that forked from the sky each time Vespara threw someone into the stormy carving on the floor. I had never seen the bird. It had always stayed above the thick blanket of clouds that seemed to roll in each time the mad princess was in the mood for a sacrifice. Watching the massive bird circle overhead, I hoped it didn’t expect me to feed it more victims. Then again, I’m sure it would get its fill of daemon lives if it decided to unleash a lightning storm on the silent army before us.

“What are they waiting for?” I whispered, more to myself than anything.

“Likely a parley.” Zayne answered. I glanced at him, surprised. I wasn’t used to him answering my questions. I was usually either ignored or punished, depending on his mood.

“They want to talk?” I gaped. “This seems like overkill for a conversation between old allies.”

Zayne rolled his eyes at me. “Stay here, I’m going down there.”

“I don’t think so.” I snapped. “You’re not going to talk to the enemy without me there to make sure you’re not making side deals.”

His scarred lips tightened into a hard angry line. I saw him struggle for a moment with the fact that he could no longer simply order me around. A small thrill of rebellion rushed through me at this small, new piece of freedom.

“Fine. Just stay quiet and out of the way.”

“I’ll do and say as I please.”

“Fuck The Origin, Cerenah!” He snarled, whirling on me. “As much as I’m enjoying this new little attitude of yours, this is not a game. There are nearly ten thousand soldiers out here. Even with the added power of my court, my osteomancy may not be enough to hold them all in place. If they kidnap you, we’re fucked. Do you want to go back into slavery?”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “That won’t happen. They can’t violate the terms of parley; they would be forfeiting their lives.” Parley and blood oaths were similar in the sense that they were magickal contracts. The consequences of violating either were dire.

“It could happen, Cerenah. Do not underestimate them.” He said, his hazel eyes burning into mine.

I gripped the shadowstone blade tighter. It wouldn’t. I wouldn’t allow them to take me.

“Your Queen will not be able to shadow walk home inside these walls. We need to give them the opportunity to pass the gates, and they can’t do that with an entire army in the way. Let me handle this, Cerenah, for the love of The Origin.” He said, his voice softening slightly.

“She’s your Queen now too.” I reminded him but sighed and nodded.

“Fine, I will allow you to handle it. I am still coming, though. You can’t make me stay here.”

He eyed me again for a moment, before nodding curtly.

“I know. Let’s go.”


Ifollowed Zayne out the front gate of the city, where Kieran stood with The Siren at his side. I froze. The last time I had seen her, she had The Flute. I didn’t see it on her person now, but I suddenly wondered if this was a bad idea.

‘Zayne. They might have The Flute.’ I warned him. He gave me an irritated look, as if I were stating the obvious.

‘I know.’ He replied calmly. He slid a hand into his pocket before flicking the other in their direction casually, wrapping them up in the marionette strings of his osteomancy. Nytara froze, and her eyes widened slightly in shock, but Kieran just smirked.
