Page 167 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Rycon, that’s enough!” Raven snapped but I ignored her.

“I can’t even make any sudden movements around you without you flinching. You think you’re going to be able to handle a full out battle if it comes to that?” I snarled at her.

Kasha tried to glare at me, but the large tear that slid down her cheek gave her away.

“I can take care of myself.” She whispered, and I snorted.

“Oh yeah? Push me off of you then. Make me let you go.” I challenged.

“Rycon…” Raven warned again, but I sent her a giant ‘fuck off’ through the bond. This was between Kasha and I. If she wanted to go to Wrath, she was going to need to prove to me that she could fucking handle it.

I felt her try to build her power beneath me, and I gripped her tighter, bracing myself. She shivered as the energy rolled to a slow stop before sputtering out completely. Her face flushed red when she discovered that she couldn’t call up a quasar, and she dropped her head in shame. I could smell her humiliation, and I realized suddenly, I probably shouldn’t have made her do this in front of an audience.

“I hate you.” She whispered, so softly that only I could hear, and I felt like she had just cut my heart out of my chest and crushed it beneath her boot. My mouth fell open, and for a minute I didn’t know what to say, so I did what I normally did when someone hurt me.

I dominated the shit out of them.

“You hate me? Get in fucking line, Kasha. You can hate me all you want but until you’re strong enough to fight back, you’re going to do what I fucking say. You’re coming with me to Olkuyrbe whether you like it or not. Go pack your shit and don’t make me wait.”

I shoved her away roughly, and she looked back at me with so much anger in her eyes that I thought she might manifest a quasar out of pure stubbornness.

No one said a word. There was a long awkward moment where we glared at each other before she spun on her heel and stormed back to her room, presumably to do what she was fucking told.

She had fifteen minutes. If she wasn’t back with a packed bag, I would drag her back out here my damn self. I huffed in annoyance and turned back to face the team. Everyone was looking at me with disappointed looks on their faces.

“What?” I asked, though I knew full well what. I had lost my cool when I probably shouldn’t have. Oh well. I couldn’t take it back now.

“Smooth, man.” Conrad said flatly, shaking his head at me.

“That wasn’t cool, Rycon.” Jeremy chided, predictably siding with the Obeah Man. I knew they were going to end up being buddies. I narrowed my eyes at Jeremy. Traitor. He was supposed to be my pal.

“What? You’re saying you all think it’s a good idea for her to go to Wrath? You saw that! She couldn’t even push me off of her. She was shaking like a fucking leaf.”

“No one’s saying she should go to Wrath.” Dossidian said, his tone even, but quiet. “We’re just saying you didn’t need to throw her against the wall and threaten her to get the point across.”

“If you’re trying to get her to like you, you should probably try to be nicer to her.” Raven pointed out and I snorted.

“When are you people going to learn? I don’t give a fuck if anyone likes me. What I care about, is that Kasha is safe and that I don’t have to spend another three weeks tearing apart fucking brothels trying to find her again. She can hate me all she wants in a nice safe tree house in Olkuyrbe.” I snapped. Everyone exchanged a look and finally Raven sighed.

“Alright. Well, at least Rhyalla will be there as a buffer.” Raven muttered and Dossidian nodded in agreement.

“When Kasha gets back, I’ll shadow walk her and Rycon to Olkuyrbe, then come back for the rest of you.” Raven turned to me, pinning me with a stern look.

“Try not to fucking kill each other while you’re gone.”

I smirked at her, shrugging.

“No promises, Kitten.”


Predictably, Kasha’s stubborn ass never came back to the common room, and I was forced to go get her. I pounded on her locked door, and she snapped at me from the other side.

“Fuck off, Rycon! I’m not going!” She yelled, and I chuckled.

We would see about that.

I leaned back and smashed my heel into the handle, busting the door open so hard it nearly exploded off its hinges. She yelped as I stormed into the room, scrambling away from me on her bed.
