Page 216 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“It stoked vitriol ‘aight.” Conrad commented dryly, giving the prince a laid-back smile before jutting his thumb towards Dossidian and Darianth. “These two almost kill each otha out there.” He grinned.

Everyone fell silent and Sirocco studied Conrad, clearly shocked that the Obeah Man had spoken out of turn. I glanced over at Meredith who gave me a tense look, and I braced myself, hoping I wasn’t going to need to fend off yet another attack. Just when I thought it was game over, the Prince of Wrath threw his head back in a bellowing laugh.

Phew. Thank The Origin.

“And who are you, funny magick man?” Sirocco asked, getting up from his throne himself and making his way over to us. Unlike his mate, he just stepped clear over the stream.

Jesus this guy was huge.

“Conrad, Conrad Brown. Mi an Obeah Man. Mi come from across Di Veil to help Rayven here.” He said, shaking Prince Sirocco’s hand. I once again marvelled at Conrad’s easy ability to just blend in and make himself at home everywhere he went. He seemed completely laid back and relaxed.

“You don’t say? Fascinating. I’ve always wanted to meet an Obeah Man. Is it true that you can control the weather? We could use some rain here from time to time. Ever since we lost Sirroah -”

Sirocco never finished his sentence. Dossidian cleared his throat awkwardly, and Princess Balveria touched her mate’s arm, as if in warning.

“Father, enough.” Darianth said. I glanced at him. He was seething. Balthion looked confused.

“Sirroah… why does that name sound familiar?” He wondered out loud, and Darianth shot his father a furious look.

“Just someone who we used to know when we were kids.” Dossidian said kindly, smiling at his brother.

I narrowed my eyes at Dossidian, looking back and forth between his family members. Something weird was going on here. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the time to play Nancy fucking Drew with Dossidian’s family secrets. I needed an army and I needed to save my mate.

“Prince Sirocco.” I said, stepping forward. He turned to me, his smile had slipped at the mention of whoever that Sirroah person was, but it returned the moment his eyes fell on me.

“You must be the notorious False Queen.” He boomed, his eyes shining with mischief. I tried not to glare at him.

“Yeah, well… depends on who you ask, I guess.” I mumbled, before clearing my throat and trying again.

“My name is Raven. I have travelled a long way to talk to you about forming a potential alliance -”

“I know how far you travelled, tiny queen. I’ve been watching you for days in my orb.”

I grit my teeth together, enraged.

“If you knew we were trying to find you, why didn’t you send someone to help us? We almost got lost.”

He let out another raucous boom of laughter.

“Help you!? You nearly got lost so many times because of me. I must admit, I was disappointed you discovered the magick of the spores so soon.” He shot Dossidian with an annoyed look. “I was hoping to see what would happen if you came to blows against my son.”

“You sent the spores?” I asked, and he nodded, grinning at me like this was all some big fucking joke.

“Of course. Not to mention the illusions that kept you walking in circles for days. You all walked by Fury’s Point for the first time close to a week ago.”

The world seemed to fall away. We were here a week ago? I had wasted a week when I could have been searching for Amon? Because this two-bit fucking charlatan had TRICKED ME?!

I screamed in rage and my feet left the ground. Power grew in my palms so fast I barely realized I had even released the gates to my aura before my hands were filled with dark power. I glanced around, expecting Conrad or Dossidian to take Meredith and Jeremy to safety, but something was wrong.

They were frozen in conversation, along with Darianth, Balthion and Balveria. Suddenly, the world around me seemed to lose its three dimensionality. It was as if I was looking at the scene before me through a picture frame.

“What is happening?” I gasped, as I watched the palace, my loved ones and even the desert around us melt away into nothing. I turned to find Prince Sirocco still standing there, in a yawning void of pure blackness that stretched out as far as The Eye could see.

“You!” I snarled, pointing a power-ridden finger at him. “You’re doing this. Where are we?” I demanded.

“Yes, tiny queen. I am doing this. Did Dossidian not tell you I have the power of illusion?”

“Bring them back!” I screamed, panic taking over. I needed eyes on them. I needed to know they were safe. I couldn’t lose them too… I couldn’t do it…

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