Page 221 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Yeah, Conrad’s right.” I said, stepping away from the orb and floating back over to Jeremy and Conrad. “It makes way more sense for him to come with me to Envy. Plus, you should be the one to free your people.”

‘What’s going on with you, why don’t you want to stay here with Meredith?’ I asked into his mind, but he just pursed his lips and ignored my question.

“Fine. I will stay.” He agreed, though he didn’t look happy about it.

“Great. Now dat’s settled…” Conrad turned to Balthion. “Why mi get di feeling dat ur di daemon to ask about gettin’ a boat?”

The two of them grinned at each other, and I immediately knew the two of them were going to be trouble.

“That’s because you’re looking at the best sailor Wrath has ever seen.” Balthion announced proudly. Darianth rolled his eyes and strode from the room, clearly annoyed.

“Considering we’re a desert people, that’s not much to brag about, little brother.” He muttered as he shoved past me.

Balthion just chuckled and shrugged. “Well, I’m the best you’ve got so I’ll have to do.”

Conrad grinned at him. “Between di two of us, mi sure we’ll do just fine.”


Icouldn’t believe she let me fucking mark her.

What a fucking rush!

After a little bit of much needed aftercare in the bathroom, she had asked me to take her back outside. For the first time since I had saved her, the idea of her mingling in close proximity with other males didn’t make me want to put my fist through a wall.

She smelled like me. She had my marks on her. Even though most of them weren’t visible, the one on her throat poked out from the neck of my t-shirt.

I felt like a kitten that had just been given his first taste of catnip. She was mine and everyone would fucking know it now.

She had tied my t-shirt in a knot at her navel, somehow making it cute and girlish and I watched her walk ahead of me towards the pyre, where Rhyalla, Koda and Aiden had gathered on the log benches that were set around the perimeter for community gatherings.

The outfit she had been wearing was tossed over my shoulder and though she had eyed it warily on our way out, she hadn’t said anything about me taking it with us. She was being surprisingly accommodating to my assholish ways and I was starting to wonder if maybe Koda had been right. Maybe I hadn’t been giving her enough credit.

When I had dragged her away from the group, I hadn’t expected her to try to understand my needs.

But she had. She had asked me to explain it to her and then she had let me do what I had been dying to do since I had found her. I had wanted to claim her the moment that tight leash had snapped in my chest, tethering me to her for the rest of our days on this plane.

By marking her, I was not only telling the world that she was mine, but it placed her under my protection. Any shifter who crossed her path would immediately smell me on her, and would know that if they touched her, they would have me to contend with… and there weren’t many who could truly come against me and live to tell the tale. It was the best way I knew how to keep her safe, but I knew the method itself was unconventional to those who were not of our kind.

I couldn’t believe how fucking lucky I was, that she had let me do it. The amount of trust she would have needed to place in me was astronomical. I knew I didn’t deserve it, but it wouldn’t have been the first time I took something for myself that I didn’t deserve. It certainly wouldn’t be the last.

Koda was hunkered down on one of the logs with Rhyalla by the lit pyre. He was whittling away at a Kapok branch, and Aiden was lazily dribbling a soccer ball while smoking a cigarette.

“Oi, there you are.” Aiden smirked as we approached, “Thought we lost ya.” He took a long pull from his smoke, eyeing us critically as we came forward. I gave him a feral grin and made eye contact as I tossed Kasha’s outfit directly into the fire.

“Miss me, baby?” I asked Aiden sarcastically, and he chuckled, bouncing the soccer ball deftly off his knee as he watched Kasha’s clothes go up in smoke.

“You know I get worried when you don’t call.” He cooed and I flipped him the bird, grinning. Kasha was looking back and forth between us like we were insane, and I shrugged at her.

Aiden and I had been friends for a long time, and he had helped me more than once when I had needed backup on Ironclad missions. Yes, I had wanted to kill him while his scent had been all over my mate, but that wasn’t anything personal. It was instinctual. Now that I had made my claim, and he hadn’t challenged it, we could go back to being friends.

“Gimme one of those,” I said, holding my hand out for a cigarette. He tossed me the pack and let the ball drop to the ground. He rested his foot on it, shaking his head at me.

“Fucken mooch.”

“What’s yours is mine, baby.” I winked at him, pulling a smoke from the pack.

“Okay you two, either get a room or cut it out, you’re making the rest of us uncomfortable.” Rhyalla rolled her eyes, though she was smiling. I saw her eyes drop to the mark on Kasha’s neck and she raised an eyebrow before glancing back at me.
