Page 237 of The Queen’s Shadow

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Sparks scattered across my vision and I could barely breathe as the warmth of the orgasm coursed through my entire body. I gasped and Rycon continued to stroke me through the duration of my release, seeming to know instinctively when to stop, right before it became too much.

I was still twitching from pleasure, when Rycon rolled me onto my back and pulled his hand out from my shorts. He smirked at me, and slid his fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean.

“Fuck Kasha. You taste even better than you feel. Next time, I want you coming in my mouth.” He growled and my entire face flushed.

He was so crude… for Origin’s sake…

He gave me a devilish grin, as if he knew where my mind had gone.

“Don’t act like you don’t like it. We both know you’re just as much of a freak as I am.” He purred before leaning over me, hovering his lips above mine. “Here, let me show you how good you taste.”

Then he kissed me, possessively claiming me with his lips. He stroked his tongue against mine, mirroring the languid movements he had just used to make me come, ensuring that I could taste myself on him.

Finally, he pulled away, dropping a tiny kiss on my nose and smirking at me.

“See? You’re a fucking delicacy.” He smirked and I slapped him on the shoulder, though I was unable to keep myself from smiling.

“You’re an animal.” I laughed and he kissed me again.

“Damn straight.” He got up and threw his hands over his head to stretch. I did my best not to stare at the very large, straining, erection that was currently camped out in his sweats.

I wasn’t very successful.

“I’m going to go take care of this,” he said, gesturing to the bulge between his legs with a wink. “Then we need to get going. Considering we’re hosting this little gathering, Rhyalla will have my balls if we’re late.”

“I have to agree with your sister, Rycon.” I chided him, “You can’t invite people from all over the world then be late to your own meeting.”

He shrugged. “If my options are avoiding pissing off a bunch of entitled shifters or watching you come all over my fingers, I’m picking option B every fucking time.” He said, and before I could respond, he was gone. I heard the shower turn on and felt a small pang of guilt.

I felt like he had just given me such a gift. It had been a long time since I had been able to truly enjoy a sexual experience. In my ninety years of freedom, I had definitely had voluntary sex with several partners, and some of it I would have even classified as good. What he had just done for me though, was special.

It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Rycon wasn’t just a meaningless hookup for me. I trusted him, and something about that made the experience so much better than I could have imagined. It made me want to pleasure him, just as much as he had pleasured me. I just needed to work up the courage to tell him that, and then actually do it. Maybe tonight, after the meeting, we could try.

I got out of bed and gathered some of my scattered belongings from my botched packing job the night before.

I picked up a fresh pair of my go-to cotton joggers and my oversized black sweater that I had been hiding in since I had been rescued, and I suddenly couldn’t bear the thought of putting them on. My gaze fell to my restructium suit, which had hung untouched on the wall since we had arrived.

Maybe it was time to start reclaiming the person I had been before I had been taken. I was tired of letting my abusers define who I was. And if that Anaya bitch was going to be at this meeting, I was going to make sure she knew I was ready for war, and that she needed to keep her scaley hands off of my fucking panther.

Powers or not, I wasn’t about to let her think she could touch what was mine without consequences.


The aching need for release warred with my desire to keep Kasha’s scent all over me. My increasingly urgent need to bust a nut won. I barely lasted two minutes in the shower, and was back in a pair of jeans and toweling off my hair roughly when I heard Aiden enter the house.

“Oi! Where you two at? Everyone’s starting to head to the pit.”

I walked out of the bathroom, grinning like a fool, to find him sprawled across one of the couches in a pair of gym shorts and a fresh Hearts jersey. He was rolling a dagger deftly between his fingers, his patchwork soccer tats rippling over his sinewy forearms with each pass of the blade.

“Smells like orgasms in here.” He grinned at me, and I smirked back on my way to the guest room to grab a t-shirt. I was going to have to move all my shit into the master bedroom later. Now that I knew what it felt like to wake up next to Kasha, there was no going back. It was like I had been walking around missing a huge chunk of myself without knowing it, and last night I had been reunited with that missing piece.

Watching her come all over my fingers this morning had been the greatest fucking gift she could have given me. I wanted to make her do it again and again. The tiny sounds she had made as the pleasure rolled through her. The way her skin had pebbled and her legs had quivered was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I wanted to make her feel like that every fucking day.

“You ever wear anything else?” I asked as I re-emerged, gesturing to the maroon football jersey Aiden was sporting. He chuckled and sheathed his blade, shoving it into the pocket of his shorts.

“Yeah, the away kit.” He joked, eyeing me incredulously. “You’re one to talk. You’re like a walking Levi’s commercial. Do they pay you to rock the douchebag carpenter look or do you just like looking like a dick for free?”

I cracked up laughing just as Kasha entered the living room. Suddenly, I felt like someone kicked me in the chest. She was wearing her armor, and she had her cute little dutch braids in her hair. Was that… lip gloss? She had gotten ready ready. My mouth fell open and my heart was pounding in my chest. She looked so fucking hot. Her cocky little swagger was back and her head was held high, her gaze unwavering as she met Aiden’s surprised stare.
