Page 283 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Take it out on me. I don’t mind.” She said it with such conviction, it made me catch my breath. I shook my head, pushing back the burning need to consume her.

“No. I don’t want to hurt you.” I ground out, my voice was rough and I choked.

“You can’t hurt me, Amon.” She assured me, as if the very idea was ridiculous.

Our mating bond was burning between us. It was begging me to take her. To put her skin on mine. She was pressing closer and closer, and the monster that lived inside me snarled at me for continuing to resist.

“Amon, take whatever you need from me to make it stop hurting.” She whispered, reaching out to touch my face again. “I would give you my life, if it meant I never had to see this look on your face again.”

She ran her aura over mine again and I shuddered, my already weak grip on my self-control wavering. I tried to cling to the last decent part of me and pulled away one more time.

“Raven. I’m not going to be able to be gentle with you right now.” I breathed, my hands shaking with the effort to restrain myself.

She stepped forward again, looking up at me with those dark, understanding eyes.

“So don’t be. It’s okay. If it gets to be too much I can make you stop.” She reassured me. I took a shaky breath, realizing she was right about that. She was likely the most powerful daemon to walk the planet since The Origin. She could snuff my life out with a thought, if she wanted to.

She pressed a small, soft hand against me, looking at my chest as if she could see the caged monster that prowled just beneath the surface.

“Let it out, Amon. I can take it.” She looked back up at me, a small smile playing on her lips. “You would do the same for me.”

With that, my last thread of control snapped, and I fisted her hair with a snarl.

“Get on your knees.” I growled, forcing her down before me.


Idropped to my knees before Amon. He gripped me tightly by the hair with one hand, and released the clasp on his restructium suit with the other. His armor peeled off of him, and I watched as he sprang free, inches from my face.

“Open.” He ordered, pressing the tip of himself against my lips. I obeyed and he immediately thrust forward, hitting the back of my throat. I groaned against him. He was not small by any means. My mouth was open as wide as I could make it and he barely fit. With the hand that wasn’t fisted in my hair he gripped my jaw.

“Relax your throat. I want you to take it all.”

I tried to do as he said but choked on him and he growled in frustration.

“Breathe through your nose.”

I did as I was told and found it was easier to swallow him once I figured out how to breathe. He pressed deeper, massaging my throat as he slid farther in.

“Look at me.”

I rolled my eyes up to meet his, and found that he looked absolutely savage. Using the fist he had curled in my hair, he forced my head closer to him and I groaned again.

“Good fucking girl.” He whispered, running a thumb over my cheek. He pushed deeper, causing tears to well in my eyes.

I saw hesitation flash across his face, and realized he was worried he was hurting me. He wasn’t. I wanted to give him this. I wanted him to take what he needed, no matter what it was. To prove it, I put my hands on his hips and pulled him forward, taking him as deep as I could.

He let out a low, rumbling groan, and the sound made me clench my thighs together in anticipation.

“You like sucking it, don’t you?” He asked, his tone full of dark intention. I nodded. He pulled out of me with a pop, and rubbed the tip of himself across my lips. “Lick it.” He ordered and I did, sticking out my tongue and running it over his head.

“Look at me while you do it, Raven. Show me how much you like it.”

I met his eyes and wrapped my lips around the tip, sucking on him and enjoying the salty bead of cum that had formed. I let him see how much I liked it. How much I wanted to bring him pleasure and how badly I wanted him to feel something good, after living in hell for so long.

“Fuck, Raven, do you know how beautiful you are?”

The way he was looking at me made me feel like he wanted to feast on me until there was nothing left. He pulled himself out of my mouth and yanked me to my feet. “As good as you look on your knees, I need to be inside you. Bend over.”
