Page 286 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I stalked over to the wardrobe, and pulled out a comfy black sweater and loose lambskin pants. I was sensitive and chaffed, from how many times Amon had made me come over the last few days. I needed something loose and forgiving.

Suddenly he was pressed behind me, his lips against my ear and his hands gripping my shoulders.

“I want you in armor.” He growled, and I glanced back, turning in the circle of his arms to look up at him.

“I’m not wearing armor to walk around my own home, Amon.” I said firmly, stepping into the pants, but maintaining eye contact. “And neither are you.”

The rumble in his chest grew, but I just smirked at him.

“You don’t scare me, Dark Prince.”

I pulled on the sweater and picked out a black collared shirt and slacks for my angry, stressed-out mate.

He slowly got dressed, though he didn’t take his eyes off me at any point. It was impressive that he was able to do up the buttons on his shirt without looking down. His face was tight, angry and pale.

I ran a finger over the firm line of his lips, then took his hand.

“Ready?” I asked and he scowled at me.


I grinned at him, remembering how he had asked me if I was ready to go visit The Eye when I had first come here, and I had said no. He had helped me through the grief and trauma of losing Clair. It was my turn to help him heal.

I tugged on his hand and opened the door, pausing as he tensed beside me.

“You can do this.” I encouraged him, and he gave me a curt nod, finally allowing me to lead him down the hall to find our friends.


We entered the common room to find Rycon in the pit with Kasha straddling his lap. She was dangling a bunch of grapes over his head. He was trying to pull them off the vine with his lips while she giggled, keeping them just out of reach.

“Give me the fucken grapes Kasha or I’ll dangle something over your face later.”

She burst out laughing and lowered the bushel, allowing him to finally snag one. He grinned up at her as he chewed, the side of his mouth tilted up, exposing a pointed canine. His eyes darted over to us as we entered.

“Hey! Look, they’re alive!” He grinned, sliding Kasha off his lap to sit next to him. Amon didn’t speak, he just pressed close to my back, sliding a hand around my waist to keep me from moving too far away from him.

“Hey you two. Looks like you’re having fun.” I smiled, and Kasha beamed at me.

“It’s good to see you two out and about.” She said, and Rycon cut her a mischievous look.

“I guess Amon was trying to live up to his nickname.” He looked back over at us frowning. “Though, I guess you’re the King of Pricks now, since the bitch is dead.”

I snorted a laugh and glanced up at Amon, hoping he would find it funny as well. He hadn’t. His jaw was still clenched, and his eyes were trained on me. He tugged me closer to him again, and his shadows churned around us in agitation.

“Let’s get some food.” I said gently, gesturing to the pit. He nodded and silently followed me. I frowned again, when he refused to let me sit next to him. He pulled me directly onto his lap, curling his hands around my hips possessively. I sighed. This was going to be awkward when Jeremy -


Speak of the devil. Just then, Jeremy, Conrad and Nytara walked in. Conrad beamed at me, and Nytara looked anxious and uncomfortable. Jeremy took one look at the way Amon had me pressed against him and narrowed his eyes.


“Hey Dad! Hey Conrad, Nytara.” I tried to stay chipper and act like it was normal to be using an angry shadow daemon’s lap as my seat for breakfast.

‘I’m going to sit on the bench next to you. I feel awkward with my dad here.’

