Page 289 of The Queen’s Shadow

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After eating breakfast, we all hopped out of the pit to pack and get ready for our various missions. Since Rycon had complained about not being able to reach anybody when our bond had been nullified by the voidseed, I had agreed that Kasha and I would put traces on everybody, so we could all keep in touch over long distances. I felt a little silly that we hadn’t done that before. In my defense, I hadn’t been in the best frame of mind.

It was much easier to think clearly, now that Amon and I were back together and I was no longer suffering through the constant pain of being apart from him.

I suspected that as painful as it had been for me, it had been even worse for him. The physical and psychological trauma he had endured while captive was clearly having severe long term repercussions. It was quickly becoming apparent that he would not be willing to let me out of his sight anytime soon. He could barely manage to go a few moments without maintaining some form of physical contact with me.

As we finished breakfast, Amon silently followed me out of the pit, one hand resting on my hip. He never allowed me to stray far out of reach, and as much as I didn’t mind, I knew it was making my father uncomfortable.

They hadn’t spoken two words to each other, and I was worried the trip to The Origin’s palace was going to be awkward if I didn’t break the ice between them soon.

“Raven…” Jeremy called for me and I turned to face him with a smile. Amon easily slid around me, positioning himself at my back. He waited behind me quietly, one hand remaining on my person at all times.

I guess he really was my Shadow…

“Can I talk to you for a minute? Alone?” Jeremy asked, his eyes darting from me to the looming daemon that I knew was staring at him over my shoulder.

“No.” Amon answered for me, his voice flat. Jeremy scowled at him and I sighed.


“I said no.”

“I’m her father.” Jeremy ground out, his face turning redder by the second.

“I don’t care.” Amon replied, his voice emotionless. “She doesn’t leave my sight.” He wrapped his hands around the front of my hips and pulled me more firmly against him.

“Amon, give me two minutes with my dad. He just wants to talk to me.” I tilted my head back to look up at him, hoping he would give in and see reason.

He leaned closer to me, and pressed his lips against my ear.


Oh, for fuck sakes.

I shot Jeremy an apologetic look. “It’s going to be an adjustment, Dad. Whatever you have to say you can say in front of him. I think he just needs time.”

Jeremy looked furious. “I can’t talk to you with him groping you like that!”

Amon didn’t move. He just continued to watch Jeremy quietly over my shoulder.

I spun around in the circle of my mate’s arms and slid my hands up his chest.

“Amon, look at me.”

He dropped his gaze to mine, his expression unreadable.

“Let me talk to my father. We’ll stay here where you can see us. I understand you’re uncomfortable, but you need to try, for me. Give me ten minutes with him then we’ll go back to the room for the rest of the day.”

He pursed his lips, but nodded. “Five minutes. And you don’t leave my sight.” His voice sounded tight. I touched the side of his face gently. I could feel his anxiety rising as his shadows thrashed around us. He was terrified.

“I’ll be right here.” I said gently, pointing a few feet away. He nodded abruptly, and allowed me to step back.

I let out a breath I hadn’t known I was holding. Jesus Christ. I wished I could kill Ash Nevra a second time. She had seriously done a number on him. Though… if what we suspected about Kieran was true, I may just get my wish.

“Hey Dad, what’s up?” I asked, trying to keep my tone light, though I knew perfectly well what was up.

“I don’t like this.” He said, glaring at Amon.
