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“Most of the brothels and casinos line the perimeter of The Gauntlet, on Sinner’s Boulevard.” Cerenah explained. “The Outer Rim, where we are now, is primarily restaurants and residential districts. The Golden Exchange is over there,” she pointed to the left. “That’s where all the shopping and entertainment is.”

“I feel like we should start on Sinner’s Boulevard. What is the fastest way to get there?” I asked, remembering what Cerenah had said in Toronto about citizens of The Court of Greed using magick to travel. I flexed my shadows around me. I could call them to me as I normally would, but any attempt to shadow walk felt blocked.

Looking at how far away we were from Sinner’s Boulevard, I was really hoping we wouldn’t have to walk. I was the only one that could fly, and it would be awkward to carry the entire party the whole way.

“We can use the street portals.” Cerenah said, gesturing for us to follow her. She led us down the stone steps of the dais and into the bustling street ahead. Daemons sat on patios enjoying cool beverages and fine food outside of restaurants. They sat on benches under the shade of palm trees, conversing happily. I rolled my power through the streets ahead of me, gently feeling things out.

I had been worried that we would stand out, in our restructium armor and dripping in weapons, but it would seem we were not even remotely close to the strangest characters on the street. There were street performers in outlandish costumes, royal guards who were crowded on patios in their armor, sporting nearly as many blades as we were. There was one daemon who danced shirtless on the corner, swallowing swords for shards.

Though it seemed almost comparable to attending a festival on a summer day in Toronto, there was one major difference. Not one of these daemons were free. Every single one of them had a slavery bond wrapped around their auras. A few of them glanced up, as they felt my energy wash over them. I expected them to glance at me and return to their conversations, but as more and more of them noticed our party, the more they stopped to stare.

“Whatever you’re doing, stop it.” Rycon growled next to me, so only I could hear.

“I’m not doing anything; I’m just feeling things out.”

“Well fucking stop it. We’re going to lose the element of surprise if people start recognizing us.”

I rolled my eyes. “I’m pretty sure we lost the element of surprise when I wrote my literal name and billing address on a payment slip at the gate.”

“Now they’re talking about us, for fuck sakes, Kitten…”

“No, they’re not!”

“Yes, they are, that female over there just called you the False Queen.”

“You’re being dramatic.”

“You’re being -”

“Hey!” Jeremy interrupted. “Quit bickering. You’re acting like children.”

I resisted the urge to prove him right by sticking my tongue out at Rycon, when Cerenah stopped in front of a carving in the sidewalk. It was a perfect ring. Around the interior were several markings in shapes that I didn’t understand. There was another slot in the wall next to the ring with the number 5 carved above it.

“It’s five shards a person, but you can use the portals for the day if you get a transfer.” She explained.

“You weren’t kidding. They’re going to milk us for every shard we have, aren’t they?” I grumbled, pulling the required number of emerald shards out of my bag.

Cerenah smiled at me sheepishly. “I’m afraid so.”

I handed everyone their five shards and Cerenah showed us how to pay through the slot and request a transfer. Similar to the payment slot at the toll barrier, you just needed to swipe your finger down the lip of the slot, and it spat a piece of parchment back at you.

“This portal connects to several other portals stationed through the city.” She explained. “You just need to state the name of the portal you would like to go to, and it will transport you to the corresponding platform.”

To demonstrate, she stepped in the ring, which glowed with a hot bright light. She said, ‘Sinner’s Boulevard,’ and the light enveloped her before she suddenly disappeared.

“You next.” Rycon said, shoving Jeremy forward.

Jeremy glared at him, but Rycon wasn’t paying attention, he was watching the slowly gathering crowd of daemons behind us. I frowned. Maybe he had been right.

“Hurry up,” the shifter growled, waving urgently at us without taking his eyes off of the whispering mob that was steadily growing in the street. Jeremy mimicked Cerenah and quickly disappeared. Rycon nudged me up to the portal next.

“You should go first; I can take them if they attack.” I whispered confidently. He glanced at me and pulled the large gun smoothly out of the shoulder holster.

“So, can I. I’d like to see them try and get past a fucking submachine gun.” He snarled, and I sighed. I knew that look.

He wanted to paint the street red.

“Rycon, these are civilians. I doubt any of them even know where Kasha is. Hurting them does nothing to avenge her. Leave them and let’s go. They’re not attacking, they’re just… staring at us.”
