Page 64 of The Dominion of Sin

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“I will not apologize for the way I chose to heal from that loss,” he pressed his foot into K’yen’s throat harder, until there was another nauseating crunching sound. “And I will kill anyone who questions my authority again.”

K’yen beat his tail into the ground and the crowd gasped.

“Yield! He yields!” Shouts rippled through the crowd.

Rycon looked up at Rhyalla, whose face was grave. A triumphant smile curled across his face. He allowed claws to bloom from the bloody tips of his fingers. I realized with horror, that Rycon was going to kill him anyway.

My heart twinged and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for Rhyalla. She was going to lose her mate before their life together had even started. But she held her head up high, and held K’yen’s gaze, as her brother readied himself to deliver the killing blow.

Rycon brought his clawed hand down and I winced, then gasped, as he suddenly stopped. It seemed, at the last moment, Rycon had changed his mind. Inches from K’yen’s throat, Rycon pulled back and took his foot off of the great cat’s neck. His claws receded back into his fingers, and the entire audience held its breath.

“You have cared for my people in my absence. You have supported my sister in her responsibilities as Rhiannon. For these reasons, I honor your request to yield.”

I gaped. Rhyalla’s mouth fell open and Kasha whooped.

“But I am Rhoan. If you challenge me again, I will kill you.” The threat in Rycon’s tone rang through the clearing. K’yen slowly got up on his paws. He bowed his head before Rycon, accepting his loss with honor.

The audience went wild. Cheers and panther screams erupted around us; Kasha joined in enthusiastically.

“Yeah! Way to go, Kitty Cat!” She cheered, and Rycon’s head snapped up. She froze, as his eyes met hers.

Raising his bloody hand to his mouth, he made eye contact with Kasha, before slowly running his tongue up his fingers. Kasha’s face flushed with heat at the implication, as he sucked the blood off the tips.

Suddenly, Rycon was in front of her. His hand was in her hair, and he pulled her head back, forcing her to look him in the eye.

“Do not call me that again,” words that should have been snarled, were delivered softly. His mouth was only inches from hers. “I am Rhoan.” He purred, and her eyes widened. “But… you, Kasha, can call me Rycon.”

She nodded her head once. “Rycon,” she murmured, a sultry smile spreading across her lips.

He gave her one of his signature cocky smirks and released her. Her neck and hair now streaked with his blood. Rycon turned back to the crowd. He threw up his hands, signaling for them to cheer louder for him.

“Rhoan, Rhoan, Rhoan,” they chanted and began to rush forward. They rubbed against him, leaving their scents on his body.

“He did it,” I whispered, turning to Amon. Amon nodded and I think, even the dark Prince was impressed. Behind Amon, on the outskirts of the settlement, I felt a trill of power in my bones. A beam of blue light shot out of the tree structure Rhyalla had taken us to the day before. The one that housed The Flute.

I pointed to it, as Amon turned, a triumphant smile of his own touching his lips. “Looks like we have a true Rhoan on our team. One that is brutal, but fair.” He looked back at Rycon, observing the panther was celebrated by his people. I opened the bond and let Rycon feel how proud I was of him. He met my gaze and grinned.

‘Thank you,’ he said into my mind.

I had a feeling that might have been the first time he had ever uttered those words and meant them.


Once the crowd had their fill of their Rhoan, we made our way to the tree structure that housed The Flute. K’yen came with us, after shaking Rycon’s hand. A tentative camaraderie seemed to have been established between them.

“You are an impressive opponent, Rycon,” K’yen said, a quiet smile on his face as we moved through the settlement.

“I guess all those years away training to be a mercenary weren't a total waste,” Rycon responded, throwing his hand over his head, and stretching lazily. “You should try to get out more, maybe you’ll learn something.” He smirked at K’yen, who just shook his head, still smiling. I rolled my eyes. I would never understand males.

We filed into the tree house and stood around the floating box. It was now bathed in bright blue light, and the whispers coming from whatever was written on the inside were louder than ever.

“I don’t get how you didn’t know this was here,” I mused out loud to Rycon.

He shrugged, “I vaguely remember screwing around as a kid, trying to get close to it. But I didn’t know there was a flute inside.”

Rhyalla interjected, “Usually the full story isn’t told to children. We’ve learned to keep it secret. It is a highly coveted item and attracts unwanted visitors.” Rhyalla explained. She smiled at us, “present company excluded.”

“Alright, enough talking. Rycon, try to grab it!” Dossidian urged, rubbing his hands together excitedly. Rycon nodded and stepped forward. We all held our breath as he reached out to grab the box. His hand passed easily through the light, and he plucked it from the air. The light shuddered then went out.

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