Page 79 of The Dominion of Sin

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I grinned at him.

“So, it’s settled then. You, me and Kasha have a date with Ash Nevra.” I said and Amon nodded.

“I will arrange to have our request for a meeting sent today.” He turned to me, “Let's go back to court. We need to celebrate. I think we should spend the evening at Aurora’s cove, so you can see the sea drakes before they migrate.”

“I would love that,” I said, smiling up at him.


Later that evening, I found myself with Meredith and Kasha, getting ready to visit Aurora’s cove. After pulling on a cozy knit sweater and loose black cotton pants, I joined them on the balcony. Kasha produced a bottle of what looked like champagne and popped the cork, pouring the bubbly amber liquid into three flutes that Meredith floated before us.

“To you, Raven, congratulations on completing the Quickening,” Meredith smiled, lightly tapping her glass against mine.

“And congratulations on the crown,” Kasha winked, and I blushed.

The sun was beginning to set, and we stood together amicably, watching as the burnt orange light swelled and folded over the Court of Pride.

“How do you feel about everything?” Meredith asked. I shrugged.

“I’m not sure I’ve fully processed the implications,” I admitted. “I never wanted to be a queen or anything like that. And after all this is said and done, I need to return home to Jeremy.”

Kasha frowned. “You plan to return? Permanently? What about Am - What about the Dominion?” I did not miss Kasha’s slip. I smirked at her.

“I could ask you the same thing about Rycon,” I teased, and she laughed. “Has anything exciting happened on that front since the K'alpa-Rhoan?”

“Unfortunately not. We’ve been a little busy training you,” she winked. I guess I couldn’t argue with that.

“Rycon?” Meredith asked, shocked. “You and Rycon are… seeing each other?” She looked a little pale at the thought.

“You should have seen them dancing at his sister’s Yal'duun-kala. It was… erotic.” I sniggered. Meredith’s mouth dropped.

“Seeing each other is a bit of a stretch,” Kasha replied, taking a sip of her champagne. “I would be willing to sleep with him though.”

Meredith choked on her champagne, and I burst out laughing. “Goddess,” she said softly, wiping her mouth, but unable to bite back a smile. “That’s quite a bit more information than I was ready for.”

“You get used to it,” I said, and finished the rest of my champagne. “Should we see what the guys are up to? I’m excited to see these sea drakes. Are they actually dragons?” I asked Kasha excitedly as we turned to leave.

“Kind of, they’re water drakes. So they’re bipedal, and their wings double as fins. They’re beautiful.”

The males had been waiting for us in the common room.

“Ready?” Amon asked me and I nodded.

“You have fun,” Dossidian said, smiling at us. I realized he was still wearing his armor. “I’ll see you when you get back.”

“You’re not coming?” I asked, disappointed.

“I need to get our message to the Court of Lust that we are requesting a meeting.”

I frowned. “Ok, try to come later if you can,” I said. He sketched a small bow.

“Of course, my Queen.”

I wrinkled my nose at him.

“Don’t call me that,” I grumbled, and he winked.

Amon and I called our shadows to us, and we shadow walked the rest of the team away.
