Page 86 of The Dominion of Sin

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Ash Nevra’s mask was not as good as Amon's, though I supposed she had never needed it to be. There is no need to hide when you are the apex predator. Rage and what I could have sworn was a look of betrayal flickered across Ash Nevra’s face before she was able to school her features back into one of sultry confidence.

“Tell me, Prince Amon, where is your sword?” She asked softly. My last thread of control over my anger snapped at her implied threat. I would fucking kill her right here if she so much as touched him. My aura exploded away from me as she sent out a coiling tendril of her power directly toward Amon.

I realized, with a start, that though both of their powers were great, mine was potentially even greater. I wrapped my dark magick around the sliver of energy she had sent out in an attempt to enslave Amon and broke it in two. I snapped it as easily as a finger. She hissed and withdrew her power before turning to me. Her beautiful face contorted in rage, and finally, I felt like she was going to attack me. So be it. I was ready. I fell back into my practiced fighting stance and felt Amon ready himself next to me.

Almost as quickly as her rage came, it disappeared again, and she visibly relaxed. Frowning, I paused, waiting to see what she would do. Remembering Kasha’s rule of prioritizing defense above all else, I didn’t feel like making the first move would be smart. Especially here.

Ash Nevra proved me right almost immediately. Without so much as lifting a finger, she silently summoned a group of enslaved daemons to her. They moved almost like zombies to drape themselves around her, forming a living shield of hostages. If I had attacked, I would have surely hit one of them. I clenched my fists at my sides as the rest of the slaves were forced by some unseen power to surround Amon and I. I glanced over at him, and his jaw clenched.

We could do nothing unless we were willing to kill countless innocent daemons to get to her. At that moment, I truly realized what going to war with Ash Nevra would mean. Her army would largely be fought by people who had been enslaved. I felt the blood drain from my face.

She smirked at us and slid back into her throne, pulling her slaves, and stroking them as if they were favored pets. My palms burned as I forced myself to swallow the quasar that wanted to erupt from them.

“You have given me much to consider,” she mused, and I narrowed my eyes. Did she think we actually believed she was entertaining the idea of me taking her throne? “A proposal like this will take some time to contemplate. Allow me three days to weigh my options. At the end of the three days, if I decide I would prefer to decline your request, I expect we will officially be at war.” She said it so nonchalantly; it was as if she were commenting on the weather. What was going on? What kind of game was she playing?

“In the meantime,” she consigned, smirking slyly at Amon, “I suppose I should give you a mating gift since you seem to have had the misfortune of being mated to this disgusting creature.” My heart stopped. Mate? I couldn’t school my expression, and my head snapped to Amon, but he only had eyes for Ash Nevra, his face unreadable.

‘Run,’ He hissed into my mind. Before I could register what was happening, she attacked me with her aura. I reflexively defended against the attack, pushing everything I had into blocking her sickly-sweet energy from getting through my barriers. However, I quickly realized the forceful attack had been a red herring to keep me from noticing the ribbon of lustful energy that snaked around my shields, striking me to my core.

I froze.

She should not have been able to get through Elvira’s Circlet. For one horrifying moment, I waited for the slavery bond to snap into place. It didn’t; instead, I felt a rush of heat course through my body. I gasped as my breasts peaked beneath my chiffon gown, and I felt a wetness bloom between my thighs. What the -

Amon was staring at me, his face white with horror. Ash Nevra laughed, stroking the hair of an enslaved daemon who had obediently curled into her lap. The slave’s eyes were empty, and she looked at me as if she wished she were already dead.

‘Your eyes betray you,’ Amon had told me that day when he ordered me to crawl to him. ‘Someone who is broken would not look at their master in such a way.’

Another wave of impossibly uncomfortable heat rolled through me, and I hissed. Something flickered in the slave’s expression. She almost looked for a moment as if she pitied me. Then, the expression was gone, and she folded deeper into Ash Nevra’s cruel embrace.

“Enjoy your gift in your room, Prince Amon. I know you don’t share my love for public displays of affection.”

Amon’s head whipped to Ash Nevra. We all could see the promise of death in his gaze. I thought for a moment he might kill her right then, even if it meant taking out the dozens of slaves that still stood between her and us.

“Hurry,” Ash Nevra purred, “I gave her a potent dose. If you don’t move now, she may not make it to the room.”


Amon grabbed my hand, and we shot through the Great Hall. I barely registered that he had me in his arms as he flew us through the entrance of the castle and down the hall to our chambers. We were already through the door when another wave of heat rolled through me. I whimpered as I felt more wetness pool. We entered the room, and Amon let me go so quickly it was as if I had burned him.

“Fuck!” He snarled, spinning, and punching the wall. It crumbled beneath his fist, and stone chunks shattered on the floor. I felt his aura pulse and knew he was summoning Kasha, but my own aura caught fire at the touch of his power.

“Amon…” I gasped as another wave of heat rolled through me. My breasts felt heavy, and I suddenly couldn’t resist the urge to run my hands against them. I moaned as the rough fabric of the dress scraped against my peaked nipples.

“Kasha’s coming, then we’re getting you the fuck out of here,” Amon said; his expression was so tight he looked like he was physically in pain.

“Amon…” I could barely breathe. The waves of heat that were rolling through my body with increasing frequency seemed to be settling and building at the apex of my thighs. I rubbed my legs together beneath my dress, and they slid against each other, slipping easily through the slickness that had begun to seep through my lace undergarments. “Amon, I need...” What did I need? I could barely say it out loud, but I lurched forward towards him, reaching out with the hand that wasn’t rubbing against my own breast.

He stumbled away from me. His normally cool and calm composure had dissolved. He avoided my touch as if I were infected with some kind of disease. I came forward again, my head swimming. The need that was beating through my body was becoming so intense it bordered on pain. I had him backed into the wall he had just punched a hole into, and I pressed myself against his chest, looking up at him through my eyelashes.

“Amon, please,” I begged, “I need you to touch me,” he was staring at me, eyes wide. He was so still that I wasn’t even sure if he was breathing. “It hurts,” I breathed, a whimper catching in my throat. I moved to put a hand on his chest and ground myself against him. Faster than my eyes could track, he had me by the wrists. He flipped me around and pinned me against the wall, holding himself away from me. The only part of him that touched me was the hand that held my wrists above my head.

“Amon please,” I begged him again, struggling against his grip, trying to get any piece of me to touch him.

“Raven…” His voice sounded strained. He was so close, but so far. My skin was burning. His head snapped away from me to look at the door, moments before Kasha burst in. She took one look at us, and she went pale. Amon nearly threw me across the room and into her arms.

“We’re leaving,” he snarled, striding past her. She nodded and pulled me into her arms, dragging me down the hall after him. I tried to reach for him again, but Kasha picked me up off the ground and carried me at a sprint down the hallway after Amon.

No one tried to stop us as we left Ash Nevra’s castle. Even the widowmakers knew better than to get in Amon’s way as he led the way into the blizzard. Amon called his shadows to us, and we shadow walked back to the common room just as I found myself sliding a hand between my legs in an attempt to quell the unbearable burn that had continued to build there. Kasha grabbed my hand and pinned it to my side as we rematerialized. The team looked up as we appeared, Rycon’s nostrils flared, and his eyes widened in shock.

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