Page 1 of Spell It Out

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Trinity Strega

It’s literally a dark and stormy night. I sigh when lightning streaks across the moonlit sky yet again. Electricity coasts through my body and I shiver, my energy spiking with the violence of the storm. My three sisters and I both share an affinity with the wildness of nature. We feel it zinging through our bodies like static electricity on steroids.

This storm has my nerves strung so tight they’re about to snap. Sinking back into my comfy armchair in front of my fireplace, I hug myself tight. My big, old house shudders and I shiver. There’s something unholy about this storm. Something wrong and dangerous.

Loneliness claws at me as the midnight sky lights up like wildfire again. Thunder cracks and the floor trembles under my feet. I curl my feet up under me in the chair and hug them to my chest, my chin resting on my knees.

Normally a storm like this would make me feel centered, whole on a savage dimension. At one with everything natural around me.

Not this one. There’s something evil, monstrous about it.

I sit up and pick up my phone, scrolling through my emails and trying to pass the time. I watch a video that shows a strong warlock showing off his powers. The only people who can see this particular YouTube channel are certified witches and warlocks. Normal humans don’t need to see what’s going on right under their noses. Witches, warlocks, shifters and vampires. All forms of beasts large and small. Most of them not dangerous to humans at all.

But occasionally there’s one that has some kind of twisted vengeance against humans. Who knows what goes on in people’s heads.

The lights flicker over my head and I see a shadowy shape moving in the trees around my home. Magic, Wyoming is a hotspot of paranormal activity and all manner of things. And people.

But I don’t know who that is and I’m not in the mood for company. I shrink back from the window and groan when I see it pause.

“Keep going,” I hiss softly to myself. For another minute more, whatever it is doesn’t move. Then I see the shadow running off into the night.

I breathe deep and sigh, leaning back in my armchair. The fire in front of me snaps and crackles and I smile, closing my eyes and letting my mind drift.

The rumbles of thunder drift away and lightning flashes even more sporadically, the storm finally yielding to the quiet peace of late night in the mountains.

Loneliness swamps me and I wish my sisters were here. Cora is off taking care of a friend who was hurt a week ago by a stalker that finally took things too far. And my middle sister, Alma is roaming around the wilderness, backpacking and ignoring the world as she’s apt to do when she’s hurt. Her best friend left and he didn’t tell her why he was leaving or anything else. She’s been heartbroken and angry since.

I smile when I think of them and my mom. I still miss her and her wild sense of humor. It broke my heart when she died from a stupid flu at such a young age. She’s a witch. She should have been able to withstand a little bout of flu. But her fever climbed higher and Alma had called to tell me that I was needed at home. By the time I got home, she’d passed away and I regret that I missed that last time with her. We just didn’t know.

Turns out, she had a heart defect that nobody knew about and her poor heart just couldn’t take the stress of her illness. It just gave out.

All three of us barely felt anything for weeks on end. Until one day, it felt like she was chiding us. Unhappy with our frozen life. It almost felt like she was standing there, hugging us and telling us to live, dammit, live!

And I know that I need to move on, let her go. But I still haven’t been able to. And now that my sisters are living their own lives, relatively happy, with longer absences, I want a life of my own. I want a love of my own.

Both of my older sisters have had relationships but I never have. I’m a twenty-nine year old virgin and I’m starting to feel my biological clock ticking away wildly, deafening me with the steady hands of time.

I pick up my phone, holding my breath as I call up the app for Crystal Connection. I know about it of course. But I’ve never used the hook-up app for witches and warlocks. A way for a supernatural to find a little fun and a good time if you’re not looking for a mate.

I hold my breath, my mind reeling. I’m worried I’m not going to find my own mate and I can’t help feeling that I’m losing something important at the lack of intimacy. The lack of the motherhood role I long for.

I glance at my phone again. Can I do it? Should I do it?

I quickly start typing in my information and giggle. I’m going to get rid of my v card and find a perfect warlock to sire the baby I’m desperate for. And since this is just for fun, I’ll never need to let them know if what I’m hoping for comes to pass in nine months.

All I have to do is spell out what I want….minus one or two little things, of course.

I’m gonna take my future into my own hands and find what I’ve been wanting for a long time. My own little bundle of joy. And I don’t need a man to love me to do it. He just needs to give me what I’m asking for and head on his merry way.

What man wouldn’t want the freedom to move on and face no responsibilities? I just need to find the right warlock.


Leo Wright

My head is pounding as the storm rages on around me. Thunder crashes and my house shakes with the fury of it. Jumping, I glare at the window like it tried to scare me personally instead of just that I’m too tired to deal with this shit.
