Page 26 of Corbin's Conflict

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I shoot him a glare and straddle my bike, noticing Dane, Tucker, and Abel all following suit without a word. “I’ll deal with it when I get back,” I retort, glancing in Dane’s direction, seeing him glaring at me. I know him. Known him all my life. We grew up together, so I know he won’t speak out against me right now in front of our brothers, but this is his sister, no matter the fact he just learned of her, she’s his blood.

She’s also my mate.

I jerk my chin up, start my bike, and turn my attention to the road, with one question coming to me as I do so. How the fuck did everything get turned around so damn quickly? On the ass of that question, another one comes to mind. Why is it that finding Karsyn is so important to me? The words she shared with me about the bond popped into my mind and confused me once again. Never have I heard of such a thing before in my life.

The further I get away from the clubhouse, away from my mate, I feel a tightening in my chest and wonder if that’s the bond she’s speaking of.

Shutting the thought down before I can finish it, I prepare for the meeting with Orpheus and allow the air to calm me as much as it can. My wolf doesn’t agree with me in leaving the way I did. Not talking to Karsyn but he knows I’ll deal with it all later . . . make things right.

“What’s going on, Orpheus?” I demand the moment my ass hits the seat across from the vampire in the middle of his night club, Dyrk.

“There is talk that you have a mate now.” Leave it to Orpheus to cut right to the reason for needing this meet. It’s one of the things I’ve always appreciated about him, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like the fact he’s asking of my Syn.

“Why are you interested in the fact that I now have a mate?”

Orpheus leans back in his chair, rolls the sleeves of the dark red dress shirt he’s wearing to his elbows, and nods over to the side of the room. I glance in the direction as the scent of a witch hits me, and I curl my lip in disgust. The sight of the witch, blood coating her neck, her face pale, but eyes that of such hatred is directed at me. “She cannot use magic right now,” he explains and points to the shackles at her wrists binding her.

I wonder where the fuck he got a pair of those binds. If someone is making those, I need to make sure they don’t get into the hands of anyone who can use them against Karsyn. “Where the fuck did you get magic binding shackles?” I ask, returning my attention to Orpheus.

“My seer, Sibley, she cast the binding spell to keep the witch in place,” he answers, not bothering to lie to me, and nods to Aziz, the vampire holding the witch.“Aziz found this blood witch lurking around my nightclub last night. He took it upon himself to gather the information from her.”

I nod, understanding his meaning, as I knew Aziz was Sibley’s brother and could see into the mind in ways other vampires couldn’t. As Orpheus’s commander, he is only second to him in power. “And what information did he find?”

“The witches really do want your mate. Seems she’s important to the blood witches, and they are willing to drag the vampires into this to get their way.”I stiffen, preparing for what might be the outcome of what Orpheus says next. If it comes between the club running protection for them or my mate, I’ll kill them all. Orpheus’s gaze holds my own, his power against my own. “Power is a strange thing, is it not?” Orpheus remarks. “What we’ll do for those we see as our own. I will not be going against you, Corbin. Nor will I see your mate harmed.”

I nod, sensing he’s not quite done.

“Sibley has informed me of the power your mate holds and that she and you are not just mated but bonded.”

It’s not something I need to get out right now. Not when I haven’t informed my brothers of the whole thing yet. “Why do you mention it?”

“To simply inform you if the news of this goes any further. Those who are not from this area . . . from Redwich and the surrounding counties . . . they might perhaps attempt to steal her away from you,” he warns.

“Appreciate the warning, but I didn’t need it. I know she’s special. A blood witch they call Death wants her.”

“Yes, so I heard. Aziz explained as such when he read the little witch’s mind.” Orpheus nods in the direction of the witch. “Aziz, tell him what the little witch knows.”

Aziz shoves the witch off to one of the other vampires, I believe named Dreven, and makes his way to the table. He sits next to Orpheus, and glances at the men standing at my back and Justice next to me. “When I looked into the witch’s head, got past her hatred, which by the way is ingrained in her from birth, I was able to see that Death sent her in to cast enchantments that would affect the weaker vampires who come to the establishment.”

“If that happened, they could use them against us,” Justice notes, speaking for the first time.

“Exactly, and this is why I’ve asked for this meeting,” Orpheus states, leaning forward and bracing his elbows on the table, hands clasped in front of him. “Sibley has said she isn’t strong enough to cast a spell to protect those who enter any of my establishments.”

“You want me to ask my mate to do it for her,” I state, understanding fully what he’s asking of me.

“If she were to do so, she would have the vampires’ protection as well.”

I jerk back, surprise nearly overtaking me at his words. “I have her do this for you, and she’s got the vampires backing her?”

“Her and your brother’s mate,” Orpheus confirms.

Glancing to Justice, then Dane, Abel, and Tucker, seeing their agreement, I return my attention to Orpheus. “I won’t make the decision for her, but I will speak to her once we get back, and afterward, you’ll have my answer.”

“Tell him I will do it.”

At the sound of my mate’s voice, I’m out of my chair, spinning to face her walking toward me. “What the fuck, Syn?” I demand, snarling. My wolf edging forward, ready to claim his mate once more.

“How the fuck do you keep doing that?” Dane grumbles.
