Page 36 of Corbin's Conflict

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“How is it not burning them?” Justice asks.

Ignoring them and everyone else, I grin and stand, feeling my strength returning. Reaching for Karsyn as she continues to stay hovering over the ground, I wrap her in my arms and pull her to me. “That’s right, my beautiful Syn, come back.” The flames grow brighter, and I lean in and press my mouth to hers, sensing her coming awake.

“We need to give them a moment,” Harmony remarks, but I barely hear her or anything else. My sole focus is on the woman in my arms.

Karsyn’s mouth opens under mine as I lower her to the ground and come over her, consuming her mouth, thrusting my tongue inside hers, taking from her what I need. I reach between us ,jerk the hem of her dress up to her hips and unzip my jeans. I release myself, find her entrance with the head of my cock, and plow inside her tight pussy.

A moan escapes her lips, and the dread I’d felt leaves my body completely. My wolf merges with me, and together, we sink to the hilt inside her sweet heat. For the first time, feeling her completely whole and not just within her soul. The wolf has fully emerged within her, whereas she still hid a week ago.

Breaking my mouth from hers, I look down in time to see her eyes flutter open.

“Corbin,” she utters on nothing more than a breath.

“Fuck, Syn, you can’t do that shit again,” I growl, thrusting harder inside her, watching the pleasure burn in her eyes. “Never again, you understand me?”

“Yes,” Karsyn whispers, hands sliding up to wrap around my shoulders. “I only did it because of my love for you, and I know if anything happened to your brothers, you’d never forgive yourself. I did it for us.”

Fuck me. This woman of mine. My mate. My hybrid. My little witch. She’d do anything for those she cares about and do it selflessly.

With a growl, I lower my head to the crease of her shoulder and sink my teeth in, latching on to her just as the orgasm flows from her and her pussy tightens all the more, the muscles there squeezing my cock almost suffocatingly. Several strokes later, my own releases barrels out of me, and for the first time ever, I feel the little teeth of my mate sink into my neck close to my shoulder.

Her bite prolongs the pleasure consuming us both, and I want nothing more than to keep us right here where we are, but there are still matters to attend to now that neither of us is dying.

Releasing Karsyn, I let out a breath, kiss the side of her neck, and lift to meet her gaze. “I hate to say it . . .”

“But you have more to do,” she finishes for me. “I know, but I want to be with you. I need to be with you. Please.”

“Baby, you ain’t out of my sight,” I inform her. There’s no way I’m not keeping her close for the time being, and if anyone has a problem with this, they can get the fuck over it. She’s more than earned her place at my side and the respect for those in this club. “Now, let’s get moving before your brother’s and dad’s heads explode.”

“Their heads can’t actually explode, Corbin.” She giggles.

“Doesn’t matter, baby, they need to see you, and I need to see to business. First up, finding out how the fuck my brother came through a portal and Harmony saved you.”

“Harmony has the gift of healing,” she answers. “It’s the reason she’s your brother’s mate. The bond they’ll share is as ours is, but where I conduct from the ground to help you and those around, she can heal from the ground, take the energies within the ground, and pour its healing powers within those who need it most. She saved me because in saving me, it saves you, and in doing that, saves Cyrus from losing himself.” Taking a breath, Karsyn’s gaze clouds over, and she touches her fingers to my cheeks. “Two brothers, rivals by choice but connected by blood. These two will face more challenges than they know, but if one goes, the other will be driven mad and in turn, follow the other.”

“What does that shit mean?” I ask, slowly pulling from her clenching pussy, stuffing my still hard cock in my jeans, and fixing her dress as I sit back.

“What it means, Corbin, is that whether you like it or not, your lives are intertwined. You die, he dies. And with his death, so will Harmony.”

“This shit is fuckin’ confusing as hell.”Shaking my head, I stand, bringing her with me. “Do they know about this?”

“Considering Harmony’s not only a hybrid as I am, she’s of the earth and the daughter of a seer, Corbin, she knows that and more,” Karsyn answers, brushing grass from her hair. “It is not for me to say or to interfere, but know this, there’s more to come. The danger isn’t over. Not for them. The Red Cap wants her, and Cyrus will have to face his battle and learn what’s important to him and what’s not.”

Well, hell. That’s not what I expected to hear.

“Who the hell is the Red Cap?” I ask, cocking my head slowly, feeling my neck pop.

“Shh,” she whispers and closes her eyes, letting me see what she’d seen within Death while she’d been in a sealed room. The memories within the man who killed my mother.

I want to kill him all over again, but it’s done and over with. There’s no going back, I have to go forward, and in doing so, it’s time to handle other things, for instance, the little matter of who brought the dead wolf to the clubhouse and finding out what Hummer is doing back in town. She knew I would kill her, and I still will if it comes down to it.

Chapter Twenty-Two


My body hums with such renewal of energy, everything far brighter than it was before in such a way I know I’ve become whole in a way I’d yet to do, even after my visit from the goddesses.

With my hand in Corbin’s, he guides me out of the meadow and toward the clubhouse. It’s not far, yet all the same, it’s a good way away, and neither of us speaks. Not that we need to. The silence is just as comforting as being in his arms and making love. His strength speaks for itself. When he’s close, I know deep in my soul that I no longer have to fear anything. He’ll protect me.
