Page 37 of Corbin's Conflict

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But in protecting me, I must protect him as well. Together, we keep each other safe.

During my near-death, before Harmony brought me back, I saw what was coming. What needed to be done. Though the aftermath of every action might change this as well. The future is always changing, not with just my choices but those of each and every witch, shifter, human alike, it’s never guaranteed. I simply see what direction we’re heading and hope for the best outcome. My mate is going to need me to be able to handle what we’ll walk into when we get to the clubhouse. He’ll also need me for his club members. I’ve seen what is to come for them and who will find mates and who will find death. I wish I could keep that from happening, but only they will be able to do so.

Today, though, is a day of miracles and death alike. We have so much to overcome, but one thing at a time. To protect Sage, a woman must die. I saw this. Ironic as it were, and it would be hard for anyone to believe, as she is born to full shifters, she is not the woman’s daughter. How the gods are forever messing with fate. Sage’s and even Jazmine’s gifts come from the fact another conceived them and placed them within women who were not the mates of Corbin or Cyrus. The truth of both girls is that they are born of oracles. It’s something that no one is ever to know the truth of, but knowing this now, I cannot and will not keep this from Corbin. He has the right to know. To protect his daughter, he needs the truth.

Just as we step out of the forest surrounding the clubhouse, Corbin scoops me in his arms.

“What are you doing?” I gasp and wrap my arms around his neck while staring at him in surprise.

“Carrying you the rest of the way,” he declares.

“I can walk, Corbin,” I protest, thinking he didn’t need to hold me while he did this. “I’m fine.”

“I know you are, Syn, but I’m not letting you walk across rocks barefoot.” I clamp my mouth shut at those simple words because he also wasn’t done speaking. “Plus, I needed to distract you from your damn thoughts before I don’t bother with questions and simply kill the bitch instead,” he growls.

Which means he knew exactly what I was thinking about and what I’d seen in my near death. I really need to learn to shield my thoughts from him so it doesn’t hit him all at once when I need to tell him something and want to do it verbally and not in thought.

Corbin stops and looks down at me. “You shield your thoughts from me, and I’ll tan your ass, Karsyn. I don’t give a shit how you communicate with me so long as you do.”

“Okay,” I murmur, feeling my heart flutter and my stomach tighten.

“Good,” he grumbles and starts walking once more. “We’ll keep that secret between us about Sage. No one is to know the truth. When the time’s right, we’ll tell her.”

I nodded in answer because there wasn’t anything else I could say. Not in the time we have considering the door opens and several of Corbin’s brothers rush out of the clubhouse. Cyrus, Big Daddy, and Daniel with them.

“Where’s Sage?” I ask upon seeing Big Daddy. She was supposed to be with him. I hope she’s not here. Not with what’s about to happen.

“She’s at Corbin’s house with Jazmine, several of Cyrus’s men are there watching over them. The shifters you had placed on them are inside waiting orders,” Big Daddy answers, moving in close, eyes on me. “You, Karsyn, are a pain in the ass. Swear to fuckin’ God you’ll do what my sons couldn’t succeed in doing.”

“What?” I furrow a brow and look up at Corbin, then back to the man. “I don’t understand what you mean.” I really didn’t.

“You’ll be the death of me,” he explains.

“Oh, um, no, I don’t want to be that,” I state hastily, making those around us chuckle.

“Syn, he doesn’t mean it literally,” Corbin says while still chuckling.

“Oh,” I draw out, still not understanding, but I’ll take my mate’s word for it. “Can we get this all done with? I’m kinda hungry and would like a cup of tea.”

“We’ll get you both first thing,” Corbin answers and looks to his brothers. “You got her?”

“We do,” Salem answers, nodding. “She’s right now tied up in the middle of the room alongside Saddle.”

“Saddle didn’t want anything to do with this,” I blurt out before I can stop myself from defending the doxy. No matter my opinion of her, I don’t want to see her in trouble if it can be helped.

“Wanna explain, Karsyn?” Corbin asks, moving once again toward the doors.

“She was blackmailed. Ask her, and she’ll speak the truth. It was in what I saw, Corbin. She didn’t want to be disloyal and help Hummer, but it was no choice. It was either help her do what she demanded, or her sister would be killed.” Again, I press my fingers to his cheek, close my eyes, and show him, yet again, the truth I’d seen.

“Right,” he growls, steps into the building, and slowly sets me on my feet. “This will not stop her from being punished, but I won’t kill her.”I breathe out a sigh of relief at this and nod. Corbin strokes my cheek and takes my hand. “First, we’ll get you your tea and Daniel,” he calls my dad’s name, “you put an order in at Raider’s Hook. Get her something to eat.”

“Got it,” Daniel states and pulls his phone out. “Calamari, steak, garlic mash, fresh snaps, and the she-crab soup,” he mutters out what has become my favorite thing to eat. They’ve gotten it for me a couple times now, and each time, I’ve enjoyed it more and more. The way the calamari is battered and fried tastes amazing with the sauce they send with it.

Corbin guides me to the bar and helps me onto a stool, seeming to ignore the two women sitting in the middle of the room tied up. A steaming mug is placed on the bar top, and I glance up to see Justice putting it down for me.

“Thank you,” I murmur.

“Least I can do for what you did,” Justice remarks, nodding and looking up at Corbin. “You know it, but she needs to know that we’re all indebted to her, and nothing will ever repay what she did for us.”
