Page 49 of Risking it All

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Easier said than done.

Chapter 15

I glanced at the clock, all but feeling the sweat building on my neck despite the thermostat keeping the house at a decently cool temperature.

Devin stood next to me, each of us wearing nice shirts and jeans. His arms were crossed and he grimaced, eyeing the time too.

“He’s almost late.” He said and I took a deep breath, fighting to keep my temper in line.

“I know.” It did no good to snap at Devin because I was nervous.

He pulled out his phone and checked it again. “Damn it, Will,” He sighed, typing off yet another message that would probably be left on read.

The two I’d sent had been as well.

My stomach was in knots and the closer it got to the time we were supposed to go out, the more sick I felt.

Just as I was about to lose my lunch though, Will’s truck pulled up outside. Devin and I heaved a sigh of relief in perfect sync as the man himself walked up the driveway.

Devin went to greet him first, clapping him on the back in the way guys do.

“Way to almost be fashionably late. You nearly gave Bea and me a heart attack.”

I stayed back, watching the exchange and petting Fig to settle my nerves. All it would have taken was one text to let us know he’d be on his way. It irked something in me to know he’d ignored that courtesy despite him not being the only nervous one.

Will offered a weak imitation of his usual smile. “Sorry, I was driving and had my phone off.”


The little voice at the back of my head hissed. The drive here was maybe ten minutes from his place, and we’d been trying to get in contact with him for longer than that.

Apparently Devin didn’t buy that either because he frowned. “Right.” He said, leveling William with a look.

The stare-off continued for a minute until I broke it up, gesturing to the cars. “We should probably head out before we’re late.”

Will finally looked at me, the pale expression from yesterday gone, though a shard of something I couldn’t name lingered under his features.

“You look nice today.” He said, the words lacking their usual conviction. He was just saying that because he knew it was expected of him, and that stung.

I nodded, not addressing it at all.

Turning to give Fig one last pat, I said over my shoulder. “You look good too.”

He did. Instead of his usual t-shirt and worn jeans, he’d gone for a nice button-up. The pants looked new as well, and under other circumstances, I’d be drooling over him.

Unfortunately, the tension all but sparking through the air negated any desire I might have felt. No one was mentioning it, but only an idiot would miss that there was something wrong here.

Dad was going to have a field day.

Taking a long, deep breath, I linked my arm with Will’s–the motion feeling wooden–and led the way to the car.


The restaurant was busy when we got there, the poor servers looking exhausted from the amount of people coming in. Thankfully Mom and Dad had gotten here earlier to secure our table, and I waved when I spotted them from across the room.

They’d matched their outfits, Dad’s dark red shirt the same shade as Mom’s summer dress. Her hair was done up in a bun, and Dad’s was cut nearly military short.

When we got closer, Mom pulled Devin and I into a hug.
