Page 33 of Killer Sins

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In the rental car after the hearing, Tai let out a low whistle. “You were a barracuda in there, tearing into that guy.”

Unsure if that was a compliment, Tenaya bristled. “I did my job thoroughly, if that’s what you mean.”

Tai held up a hand. “No doubt. You killed it. Wouldn’t want you grilling me like that.” He chuckled and shook his head.

Nettled by his flippant tone, or maybe by her own sense of futility, Tenaya snapped, “At least I fight with words, not guns.”

Tai’s humor evaporated. He glared over at her. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Nothing, just...” She pressed her lips together, knowing she was in the wrong. “Forget it.”

“No, go ahead, speak your mind,” Tai challenged. “I’d love to hear your take on how I operate.”

No. Really, he wouldn’t. Stung by his sarcastic tone, she lashed out. “You solve everything through violence.”

Tai’s face contorted in anger. He rounded on her. “What? Are you saying people like your father and I are brainless killers? Is that what you lawyer types really think?”

Horrified by her own words, Tenaya rushed to apologize. “No! That’s not at all what I meant.” Where were the fine words now? She hung her head. “That was awful of me. You didn’t deserve that. None of you did,” she added for good measure.

“Going dark for a sec,” Tai murmured and tapped his earbud. Then he gripped the steering wheel, knuckles white. “Maybe we should settle this your way then. Hash it out verbally. Like you do with your dad.” His glare pierced her. “Oh wait, you don’t actually talk to him.”

Tenaya saw red. “I am not having this discussion. Not now. Not with an audience.”

Tai huffed in disgust. “I turned off my comlink.”

“I don’t care. Now’s not the time.”

He nodded, as if to himself. “Some expert negotiator you are.”

Oh, she could go on. Words were her weapons. But there was a time and place for eviscerating someone. One thing about words: once spoken, they could never be taken back.

They sat in crackling silence for endless moments. Finally Tai muttered an insincere apology and turned his comlink back on.

Neither spoke again for the remainder of the tense drive.

Arms crossed tight, she stared out the window at the endless apartment blocks lining the busy freeway.

She clearly had a lot to learn about resolving conflict gracefully. Starting with her own father.


Tai paced the open kitchen of Tenaya’s sleek condo, the thick gold wedding band still an unfamiliar weight on his finger. The pressed slacks and fancy shirt made him feel like the ultimate poser. He must look ridiculous, especially with his M18 holstered at the small of his back. More James Bond than Special Ops. Still, he couldn’t help hoping the swank outfit appealed to Tenaya.

Nerves bloomed in his stomach. Man, you’d think he was going on his first date ever. Disgusted with himself, he murmured into his comlink. “Fenn, talk to me. You got eyes on the roof?”

“All clear up here, Romeo,” came the muffled response. “Just a few WIFI antennae and pigeons. No sign of any threats.”

Tai exhaled, scanning the darkened living room windows one more time. “Copy that. Keep me posted.”

He tapped the earpiece, switching to the channel shared with Mason and Bridger stationed in an alley down the block. “Mace, you in position with the night vision scope?”

“Locked and loaded, brother,” Mason confirmed. “Nothing but empty offices at this hour. Park’s clear too.”

“Roger that.” Tai rolled his shoulders, trying to ease the tension coiled in his muscles. He had to appear relaxed by the time Tenaya emerged from her room. As if they were really a carefree newlywed couple stealing a romantic dinner on the rooftop patio rather than bait in a trap to entice her murderous stalker into showing himself.

Footsteps sounded down the hall. Tai turned as Tenaya appeared, catching the tail end of his whispered conversation.

She eyed him warily. “What’s set? Is there a new plan?”
