Page 34 of Killer Sins

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He pasted on a relaxed grin. “It’s a surprise.”

Hopefully not too surprising. He crossed to take her hands, giving her an appraising look. The summery cotton dress accentuated her slender curves. “You look beautiful.”

Pleased color rose on her smooth cheeks. Tai tamped down an unexpected pang. Was that the first time someone had sincerely complimented her beauty in too long? If so, it was a crime.

The vulnerable expression disappeared, replaced by a suspicious squint. Her lawyer look. “Why so nice all of a sudden?”

“I’m re-thinking my tactics,” he admitted. He’d always done better with the truth. Didn’t everyone?


She wasn’t buying it yet. Fair enough. At least she hadn’t stalked off. And the freezing anger between them seemed to have thawed over the past few hours. He had plans to dissipate the last of the bad feelings right now.

He tucked her arm through his. “Come take a walk with me.”

He guided her out into the hall and into the elevator, directing it to the top floor. Her steps lagged as he guided her toward the stairwell leading to the roof. “Shouldn’t we stay inside?”

“Indulge me?” Tai kept his tone light. “It’s part of your surprise.”

Still she hung back, uncertainty clouding her lovely eyes. Tai gentled his voice. “The team’s got all approaches covered. You’re safe, I promise.”

A heartbeat later, she nodded, letting him lead the way up the concrete steps. He paused outside the heavy metal door at the top. “Close your eyes.”

She shot him a sardonic look.

He laughed. “Okay, it’s not strictly necessary, but I’m setting the stage here. Humor me?”

With a wry twist of her lips, she covered her eyes briefly with one hand.

He shouldered the door open. Warm light spilled across the rooftop patio. Tenaya’s eyes widened, reflecting the golden glow from dozens of white bulbs strung overhead.

The space looked like something straight out of a decorating magazine. Or so Tai imagined. In the center of the space a cozy table for two held flickering candles and warming trays keeping dinner hot. Fenn had even scattered rose petals artfully across the concrete.

Tai cleared his throat, suddenly self-conscious. “I know today was stressful. And I owe you an apology for losing my temper on the drive back from court.”

Tenaya opened her mouth to object, but he squeezed her hand gently. “Please. Let me say this.”

She subsided, watching him intently.

“I was unfair to you earlier. All this play acting and waiting around has me tense. But that’s no excuse.” He met her gaze earnestly. “You didn’t deserve my criticism. Can we call a truce?”

Tenaya studied him for a moment, mouth softening. “Truce. And thank you for the apology. I wasn’t exactly gracious myself.”

He exhaled in relief. “Good. Then let’s start fresh tonight. What do you say we enjoy this amazing dinner Mason whipped up?”

He pulled out a chair, hoping to coax another smile from her. But she tensed, gaze darting around the shadowy rooftop.

“Is this really wise?” she asked, voice hushed.

He winced internally. He should have anticipated her reaction. “You’re right. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have surprised you. I didn’t think it through. While you were in court, the team decided we need to be more visible. But if you’re not okay with this…” He started to steer her back toward the stairwell door. “Let’s eat downstairs.”

“No, wait.” Tenaya caught his wrist. “I’m being silly. If this’ll help draw Zhezhnov out, I’m all for it. All of you have this roof under surveillance, right?” At his nod, she exhaled shakily. “Then we’re fine.”

Tai searched her face. “You sure? I want you to feel safe.”

At her insistent nod, Tai pulled out her chair, then raised a finger to his ear, ready to mute his comlink. No need for the team eavesdropping on their conversation all night.

In his ear, Bridger immediately objected. “Whoa, you’re going dark? Bad call, man.”

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