Page 35 of Killer Sins

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Tai sighed, turning partly away from Tenaya. “The perimeter’s covered. We’re good.”

“What if something goes sideways?” Bridger argued.

Rolling his eyes, Tai kept his tone light. “Then send up a flare or something.”

Bridger huffed impatiently. “At least keep your tracker on so we can pinpoint you if needed.”

“It’s a date, not a combat mission,” Tai retorted. “But fine, tracker active.”

“Thank you,” Bridger said primly.

Tai muted his mic again and turned back to Tenaya with an exaggerated eye roll. “Some people are such mother hens.”

She giggled. “He’s just looking out for you.” Her smile softened into something more genuine. “I’m glad you all have each other’s backs.”

Warmth bloomed in Tai’s chest. “Me too.” He raised his water glass. “To friends, old and new.”

Her answering smile hit him squarely in the chest. No artifice or persuasion needed. Just warmth shining in her dark eyes. He had to grip his water glass tighter to keep from reaching for her hand. The one with the glittering ring. For the briefest instant, he imagined that the relationship the ring symbolized was real. That it was, truly, his ring on her finger.

Get it together, man. Stick to the plan here.

They chatted lightly as they ate, the mood between them far more relaxed than Tai could have hoped. He found himself telling her about his team’s latest training misadventures, even getting a real laugh from her with the tale of Fenn eating a wave of mud during an evasive driving drill.

The sound wrapped around his heart like a caress. As much as Tenaya intrigued him, he sensed she didn’t often let her guard down enough to laugh freely.

Halfway through Mason’s lemon pudding cake, Tenaya gave a contented sigh. “This was really lovely, Tai. Thank you.”

“I can’t take much credit. Mason’s a master chef.”

She smiled, swirling the last of the frothy custard on her plate. “Still. I appreciate the effort it took to do all this.” She gestured at the twinkling lights overhead. “Especially after I was so prickly earlier.”

Tai set down his fork, holding her gaze. “You’ve got every right to be on edge. I’m on edge too, if I’m honest.”

He hadn’t intended to confess so much. But if he hoped to convince her to lower her defenses, he had to be vulnerable first.

She tilted her head, studying him curiously. “How do you deal with it all? The stress, I mean.”

Tai huffed a humorless laugh, poking at his leftover cake. “Not always in healthy ways. Lots of jokes and denial, mostly.”

He met her earnest eyes again. “Prayer, for sure. Still, sometimes it all builds up, and I end up snapping at teammates. Friends. Like today with you.”

Tenaya’s expression softened with understanding. “I can relate. My usual coping mechanisms—work, exercise—they haven’t been enough lately.” She shook her head ruefully. “Honestly? The only time I feel free is out running. When it’s just me and the road.”

“I get that.” Tai smiled. “Nothing better than a long trail run to clear your head.”

“Exactly.” Her shoulders relaxed fractionally. “What do you do when that’s not possible? When you can’t outrun or out-pray the fear or stress?”

Tai blew out a breath, gazing sightlessly across the rooftops. What did he do when laughter and denial failed? When darkness crept in despite his best efforts to keep it at bay?

“Honestly? I usually end up taking it out on a punching bag. Or provoking a fight with someone.” He touched his cheekbone where her father had landed a perfect shot during that sparring session in their gym. “Probably not the healthiest choice, but old habits die hard.”

Tenaya’s eyes were luminous in the candlelight. “At least you recognize it. That’s the first step to changing.”

Tai’s throat tightened unexpectedly. When was the last time someone looked at him with such warm compassion? Without judgment, only understanding.

The moment stretched, memories swirling through his mind. Finally he gave himself a mental shake and lifted his water again in salute. “Thank you for this. I don’t open up often.”

“Me either.” She clinked her glass to his.
