Page 44 of Killer Sins

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She giggled, slipping her hand into the crook of his elbow. “You may, kind sir.”

Her laughter made warmth bloom in Tai’s chest despite their lack of progress tonight. He led her onto the all-but-deserted dance floor as the quartet began a final piece.

Taking her in his arms, Tai guided them into a simple box step, hyperaware of her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. The faint floral scent of her perfume wreathed him, subtly intoxicating.

She followed his lead effortlessly, full skirt brushing his legs with every turn. “You’re quite the dancer,” she remarked, liquid eyes peering up at him through inky lashes. “I’m impressed.”

His breath caught at her unexpectedly coquettish look. If she ever had any idea how powerfully she affected him…

He cleared his throat, aiming for a joking tone. “Just don’t tell the team. You’d ruin my whole strong, silent, tough-guy image.”

The corner of her mouth quirked upward. “Your secret’s safe with me.”

The music swelled around them as they moved in effortless unison across the floor. Holding her lithe frame in his arms felt far too right. He tamped down a flare of frustration. After tonight he’d never waltz with Tenaya again. Just another harsh reality of this temporary assignment.

Casting about for a safe topic, he said, “You’re an incredible dancer yourself. Natural rhythm.”

Pleased surprise lit Tenaya’s expression. “My parents love to dance. They made lessons mandatory. How about you? I can’t picture Tiny Tai at cotillions.”

That made him laugh. As if there was a ballroom within, oh, a thousand miles of the rural island farm where he grew up. “You can blame your dad for my skills. Good footwork is the foundation of self-defense skills. He made us practice, in between torturous workout sessions. Gunny’s a fantastic dancer,” he added.

Tenaya stiffened in his arms, the light in her eyes dimming. He kicked himself.

Why couldn’t he just keep his big mouth shut around this woman?

They swayed through the final notes in tense silence. As the music faded, Tenaya stepped back, expression shuttered. “We should go.”

Yeah. He’d messed this up royally.

At the bank of elevators, he tapped his comlink. “We’re ready to head down to the Maserati.”

Mason’s terse voice sounded in his earpiece. “Change of plans, Prince. We got trouble in the parking garage.”

In the background Tai could hear shouting voices and approaching sirens.

When the elevator doors opened, he pulled Tenaya inside and punched the button for a higher floor. “Something’s up,” he told her. “We’re going to chill out for a minute.”

Once they reached the next floor, he quickly steered Tenaya into the empty corridor and tapped his comlink again. “Talk to me, guys. What are we looking at?” He kept his voice low, conscious of the hotel rooms lining the hallway.

“Car fire in the parking garage,” Mason bit out. “First responders are almost here. Stand by.”

Tai scanned the quiet hallway. They were alone for the moment. Still he lowered his voice further. “Copy that. We’re on three. East wing. Need an exit strategy.”

“Way ahead of you.” Paige’s voice chimed in. “Room 343 is vacant. Third door on your right. I just disabled the electronic lock.”

Tai kept himself angled in front of Tenaya as they hurried toward the room number Paige provided. Please let it be some idiot’s engine overheating, he hoped fervently. Not the nightmare scenario that flashed through his mind. Zhezhnov, claiming another victim.

The fear in Tenaya’s wide eyes told him she was worried about the same thing.

Safely inside with the door secured, Tai tapped his comm again. “Prince and Cinderella secure in the temporary castle. What’s your sit rep?”

Bridger responded this time, voice tinny over the earpiece. “Stand by. We’re still assessing.”

Tai bit back an impatient retort. He forced himself to breathe slowly. Snapping at his buddy wouldn’t improve the situation.

He met Tenaya’s frightened gaze across the generically upscale hotel room. “It’s probably nothing,” he said with a calmness he didn’t feel. “Might just be some drunk guest’s mishap.”

Tenaya nodded wordlessly, her arms wrapped protectively over her middle. Clearly, she didn’t believe his statement any more than he did. It was Zhezhnov. Had to be.
