Page 45 of Killer Sins

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Tai ached to pull her close, assure her everything would be fine. But he couldn’t make that promise in good faith, not until Bridger reported back.

Zhezhnov clearly knew they were close. The deranged stalker was desperate enough to up his game, forcing errors that Tai intended to brutally exploit. This cat and mouse game ended now, one way or another. Come tomorrow, they’d take the fight directly to their psychotic adversary.

The man wanted a war? It was on.


Tenaya watched Tai pace the hotel room, hand cupping the back of his neck. Between her aching feet and the adrenaline still racing through her veins, she was in no mood to appreciate the picture of masculine beauty striding around in front of her.

Tai stopped, arching his back with a long sigh. “Well that went sideways in a huge hurry.”

“‘Sideways’ doesn’t quite cut it,” she snapped.

He wasn’t wrong, she just wasn’t ready to hear her own thoughts blasted back at her.

She turned to the floor-to-ceiling windows, irritation simmering. Spending hours dressed up as a giddy newlywed while they waited for her murderous stalker to make a move had frayed her last nerve.

Without responding, Tai strode to the suite’s minibar and grabbed one of the ubiquitous protein bars. He tossed it to her. “Eat something,” he ordered brusquely.

Affronted, she fumbled the catch. The bar bounced off her shoulder and hit the floor. “We just spent half the night surrounded by more food than I could eat in a week. I’m fine.”

Tai crossed his arms, expression implacable. “You picked at three shrimp then played with your salad all through dinner. I know hangry when I see it. Eat.”

Heat crept up her neck. She scooped up the bar, ripped open the wrapper resentfully and forced herself to chew. Dry and mealy as the thing was, the food settled her roiling stomach. Not that she’d admit as much to Mr. Mansplainer.

Though she supposed she couldn’t fault Tai for being irritable. They were both frustrated by the lack of progress tonight. And despite their personality clashes, Tai had proven himself a consummate protector over the past days. She was coming to rely more and more on his quiet competence.

He undid his bowtie with impatient motions, broad shoulders straining the crisp lines of the formal tux in a way she couldn’t help but appreciate. The man wore a suit almost as well as he did tactical gear. And that was saying something.

While they waited on updates from the team, Tai shrugged out of his jacket and flipped on the TV. News footage showed emergency response still swarming the hotel parking garage. Tai pulled out his phone, toggling to speaker mode.

“Sit rep?” he asked tersely. “Does that car fire have anything to do with our op or not?”

Bridger’s voice crackled through. “Unclear. The affected vehicle is the same color and make as your Maserati, but it was parked farther down the row. Still suspicious timing though. We’re trying to ID the owner now.”

“Seriously?” Tai sat forward, scowling. “What are the odds it’s just coincidence?”

“Hang on.” Sounds of other voices conferring echoed over the line.

After a moment, Graham spoke. “Afraid it does check out. Hotel registry shows four identical Blu Infinito Maseratis checked in tonight among the guests. Plus probably thirty different Porsches and a couple classic Ferraris. Can’t jump to conclusions yet.”

Tai raked a hand through his hair, muttering under his breath. Tenaya clasped her hands tightly in her lap, pulse kicking faster.

Bridger spoke up again. “Doesn’t mean it’s not Zhezhnov’s handiwork. Guy could’ve gotten sloppy and targeted the wrong car in his hurry.”

“Or maybe he hired out the job,” Mason added.

“Keep me posted,” Tai bit out tersely and ended the call. He shot Tenaya an apologetic look. “Sorry, I know the waiting is brutal.”

She summoned a weak smile. “It’s okay. I want us to be sure before we make any moves.”

Tai’s expression eased slightly. He yanked his tie free and turned up the volume on the TV, scowling at the images of firetrucks.

Tenaya hugged herself. Whatever the cause, this car fire confirmed they were running out of time.

Suddenly, Tai tensed. He pointed at the comlink in his ear, listening intently. “Roger that,” he responded finally and shot her a bleak look. “Looks like we’ve got a good news, bad news kind of situation here.”

She hugged herself, trying to brace mentally for the next blow. “The good news?”
