Page 47 of Killer Sins

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Warmth bloomed under his fleeting touch. Tenaya managed a shaky smile then led the way to her door. Tai maintained a subtle protective presence until they were securely inside her condo. As the door latched behind them, the night finally ended.

She sagged back against the smooth wood, barely staying upright on her aching feet. She started to thank Tai for seeing her home safely, but her phone chirped in her bag, interrupting her. By the time she fished it out, the call had already gone to voicemail.

She raised the device to her ear, but Tai tugged it from her hand. “I got this.”

He pressed the phone to his ear. The deadly expression on his face froze her blood.

“It’s him.” Before she could ask, Tai punched the speaker button then slammed the device onto the foyer table with a violence that made her flinch.

Zhezhnov’s hateful voice filled the air. “Hey there, babydoll. Dump the tuxedoed stiff or next time, he’ll be the barbeque.”

Tai caught her gaze, his eyes black with rage and an icy determination that stole her breath. Tenaya could well imagine the Russian quailing before this avenging dark angel.

However the night ahead unfolded, Tai would surely rain down hellfire on her tormenter. Despite her bone-deep exhaustion, she sent up a fervent prayer of thanks that this formidable protector stood with her against the encroaching darkness.


The next morning dawned in typical SoCal fashion: bright and sunny. Only Tenaya wasn’t feeling the happy, shiny vibe. Not after last night.

She shook her head in disbelief as she took in the scene around her sleek kitchen island. What a bizarre sight—hardened special forces operatives crowded into her upscale condo dressed like carpet cleaners and yoga enthusiasts. If someone had told her a week ago that her home would be temporarily transformed into a tactical operations base full of elite soldiers, she would have laughed out loud. Yet here they all were, sipping coffee and strategizing in hushed tones, looking utterly out of place amidst her polished concrete floors and stainless-steel appliances.

It was disorienting, having her familiar environment invaded by these intense men and women with their covert gear and grim focus. But she was grateful for their presence. Their formidable skills were her only chance of stopping the faceless evil that had overtaken her life. She drew comfort from their steady voices as they discussed plans to draw out her stalker.

She cradled the warm coffee mug, letting the rich aroma soothe her nerves as the team picked through the box of fresh pastries before settling around the kitchen island. Despite their outlandish disguises, grim purpose etched each of their faces.

Bridger wore faded blue coveralls with a carpet cleaning company logo, a ball cap pulled low over his eyes. Beside him, Graham sported similar attire, though his coveralls were streaked with dirt stains. The disguises allowed them to openly transport weapons and gear up to her apartment without drawing suspicion.

Fenn looked utterly out of place in a red polo shirt and ball cap from a high-end bakery. He’d arrived loaded down with takeout boxes and trays of steaming coffee, completing the deception that he was merely an upscale food delivery guy.

Kate and Paige wore color-coordinated yoga outfits, their athletic frames and ponytailed hair selling the image that they were fellow residents returning from an early morning workout class.

The only one missing was Mason, stationed on a rooftop overlooking the street below, ready to provide sniper cover if needed. But his low voice still emitted periodically from the comlinks the team all wore, keeping them in the loop.

Tenaya breathed in the rich aroma rising from her coffee mug, drawing comfort from having her protectors gathered close. Grim purpose etched each of their faces beneath the silly disguises. After Zhezhnov’s chilling voicemail threat last night, they’d agreed bold action was needed to force him into the open.

“It’s time to ramp things up,” Bridger announced, jaw tight.

Kate nodded. “Tai should be tip of the spear. Now that Zhezhnov’s directly threatened him, we’ve got that going for us.”

“I’m up for that.” Tai crossed his bulging arms. “We need to go big this time, confront this psycho head-on.”

Bridger’s brow furrowed. “What are you saying exactly?”

“I’m saying we take the fight to him.” Tai’s eyes glinted with anticipation. “I should call him out, show up at one of his hang outs and lay into him. Dare him to face me like a man.”

“At a Russian mafia hangout?” Tenaya shot him an incredulous look. “You trying to get yourself killed?”

“I like it.” Graham chimed in. “About time we did things my way.”

Fenn chuckled. “I’m with Gunny. Sometimes you gotta grab the bull by the horns.”

“Or the Russian bear,” Tai quipped.

Bridger held up a hand. “How about we stow the testosterone for a sec and think this through.”

“No more thinking,” Tai argued. “Zhezhnov’s so jealous he can’t see straight. We need to grab the advantage and force his hand.”

Tenaya chewed her lip anxiously. As much as she wanted to end this nightmare, the idea of Tai deliberately angering the Russian mob filled her with dread.
