Page 46 of Killer Sins

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“The area is secure. Your father’s got a taxi waiting downstairs.”

“The bad?”

“Our ride was the target. The Maserati’s toast. And there’s no sign of Zhezhnov. Whoever did it got away clean.”


The smell of burned rubber and smoke drifted into the taxi with Tenaya as she slid into the back seat of the nondescript sedan Graham arrived in to chauffer them back to her condo. Lights from emergency vehicles bathed the street outside the hotel in chaotic pulses of red and blue.

Tai climbed in beside her, features set in grim lines. He kept a steadying hand on her back until she was settled.

Up front, Graham slid behind the wheel and pulled smoothly into traffic. “I’ll have you home in fifteen minutes,” he said, meeting her eyes in the rearview mirror.

Tenaya just nodded mutely, exhausted down to her bones. Beside her, Tai fiddled with his phone, face bathed in the cool glow of the screen. Tuning out their conversation, she presumed.

“So...” Graham ventured after a few silent blocks. “I hear you’re closing in on a partner position at that firm of yours. You’ve done well for yourself. Your mother must be proud.”

Tenaya bristled, instantly on edge. “I’ve worked hard to build my career, if that’s what you mean.”

Graham’s eyes flickered to hers again briefly before returning to the road. “No doubt about that.”

Unbidden, memories arose of Graham bouncing her on his knee while they camped in the Sierras, his deep voice rumbling made-up songs. Tenaya shoved the recollections away, throat tight.

“LA suits me,” she said stiffly. “The firm keeps me busy, and I have friends here. Family too—my mom and stepdad are only an hour north when they’re stateside.”

Beside her, Tai shifted slightly. She could feel him listening despite the professional mask firmly in place.

“Right, of course.” Graham cleared his throat roughly. “You’ve got roots here. I understand.”

Tenaya bit her lip, regret whispering through her resentment. However justified, her anger changed nothing. And it clearly caused Graham pain.

Before she could think better of it, she added quietly, “The mountains are beautiful though. I’d forgotten.”

In the mirror, Graham’s eyes cut to hers, surprise flashing across his weathered features. His lips parted, but he seemed at a loss for words.

Tenaya managed a ghost of a smile then turned to stare sightlessly out the window, not trusting her voice. The city lights blurred past, glowing softly against the night sky.

The rest of the ride passed in pensive silence. She stared out at the passing scenery, emotions seesawing inside her.

Once they reached her building, she used her remote to open the gate to the underground garage. Her father pulled the taxi inside and killed the engine.

Tai scanned his phone, studying the security camera footage. “We’re all clear.” He exited the taxi. Tenaya slid out behind him, the cool night air raising goosebumps beneath her thin dress.

Graham gave her a gruff nod from the driver’s seat. “Get some rest. We’ll be in touch tomorrow.”

“Thanks for the ride,” she managed.

Graham held her gaze for a beat too long. “My pleasure.” He put the car in gear and pulled away.

Tenaya sagged back against the condo building door, emotions churning. A wave of shame washed through her. However justified her anger, holding onto bitterness changed nothing. She had to let go and move forward, even inch by inch. Maybe she couldn’t forgive yet, but extending small olive branches couldn’t hurt. Letting go of past resentment would come slowly, in its own time.

Tai hustled her into the elevator. As they exited on her floor, Tenaya touched his arm lightly. “I know I’ve been unfair to Graham. And to you, for defending him.”

Tai’s eyebrows shot up, but he remained silent.

She clasped her hands tightly to still their trembling. “I’ll try to be more understanding from now on. A little grace could go a long way.”

Tai considered for a moment then gave a single nod, eyes softening. He brushed his knuckles lightly over her cheek. “Thank you for telling me that. It means a lot.”

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