Page 51 of Killer Sins

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She turned away from the screen, gazing sightlessly out the window. Tai and his team might live simply, in rambling ranch houses worlds away from LA’s sleek towers, but their lives held undeniable meaning. While she waded through the petty concerns of the ultra-wealthy, they were out there risking everything to protect the vulnerable.

Even her coveted office, the one she’d sacrificed any hope of a personal life to earn, suddenly felt confining. More a trap than a prize. She rose again to drift around the spacious room, trailing her fingers over the cool marble desktops and leather furnishings.

The symbols of success did little to ease the gnawing discontent inside her. The life she’d built in LA no longer seemed enough. She craved the sense of purpose and belonging she’d glimpsed among Tai and his crew.

Her cell phone rang, shrill in the hushed space. She lunged for it, pulse rocketing. “Hello?”

Tai’s rich voice came through. “Just checking in. We’re still proceeding as planned.”

Relief coursed through her, left her lightheaded. “That’s great. I’ve been so worried.”

“No need. I’ve got this.” Amusement warmed his tone. “Just make sure you take a break and eat something, okay? Don’t make me send your dad up there with a sandwich.”

Despite everything, Tenaya huffed a surprised laugh. Tai was joking to ease her mind even in the middle of this perilous operation. Once again, his steadfast care buoyed her flagging spirit.

“I’ll order something now,” she promised. “Please be safe.”

“Always am. Talk soon.”

The call ended, leaving her clutching the phone to her chest, emotions swirling. However this terrifying gambit played out, she knew Tai would move heaven and earth to shield her from harm. As would her father, though it pained her pride to admit it. She wasn’t as alone as she’d believed.

The realization loosened some of the fear gripping her heart. She glanced around her office with fresh eyes. Tai was right, as usual. She needed to eat and refuel for whatever came next.

Squaring her shoulders, she reached for the stack of takeout menus in her drawer. She had work left to do today. And people counting on her. She wouldn’t let them down. Plus, she didn’t know her father well, but she knew him well enough by now to realize he’d never abandon his post to eat. Would he prefer Lebanese, or tacos?

The simple fact that she had no idea only added to her awful mood.


Half an hour later, Tenaya had made little progress on her paperwork––okay, no progress––when the faint ding of the elevator sounded from down the hall. Heart pounding, she half-rose from her desk chair. No one else was on their floor. Should she duck under the heavy oak furniture or make a run for the private bathroom attached to her office?

Before she could decide, her phone chimed with an incoming text. Graham’s terse message flashed on the screen: Jarrod’s on his way up. He’s alone.

She sagged back into her chair, relief leaving her lightheaded. Not a threat after all. Just her oblivious colleague coming to the office on a sunny Saturday.

The tap of expensive leather oxfords echoed on the marble floors outside. Through the frosted glass wall of her office, she made out Jarrod’s lanky form as he walked toward her. He paused at her door and knocked briskly, the sharp sound jarring in the hushed space.

Plastering on a polite smile, she crossed to unlock the door and usher him inside. Though his smiling greeting seemed innocuous, something about his sharp gaze raised the fine hairs on the back of her neck.

When had her ambitious colleague’s hungry ambition shifted to something more sinister? Or had it? With the stress, it was more likely she was seeing danger around every corner.

The cloying scent of his expensive cologne filled the office, conjuring memories of tense strategy sessions and petty office politics.

“I thought I might find you here.” Shaking his head, Jarrod flashed his bright white teeth. “You’re even a worse workaholic than I am.”

She managed a brittle laugh, nerves still jittery from the false alarm. “Just trying to get ahead before my honeymoon.”

Jarrod’s eyes narrowed. Was that a flash of anger in his expression before his smile reemerged? Tenaya smoothed her skirt with a clammy palm, stomach knotting.

“Sure. Yeah.” He dropped his gaze, thrusting his hands into the pockets of his tailored pants. “I wanted to give the new Mercedes a good run today. Figured I might as well swing by the office and get a little work done.” He glanced back over his shoulder and lowered his voice. “Plus, during the week, every time I sit down to work, Anderson hits me up about a promotion. The guy is clueless.”

Perhaps she was imagining things, stressed as she was about the threats against her. But she couldn’t deny the predatory gleam in Jarrod’s eyes as his gaze lingered on her figure. Revulsion curdled in her gut.

Jarrod droned on about his newest luxury vehicle purchase, boring her silly. She studied his affable smile and Italian loafers peeking beneath his perfectly pressed slacks. When had she become so different from her ambitious colleague? So disconnected from the glittering world they inhabited?

Shame whispered through her. Not long ago, she’d have happily joined Jarrod in dissecting the latest office gossip or bragging about bonuses and vacations. Back when her own desires were all that mattered.

Jarrod didn’t have the slightest inkling of her harrowing ordeal. He paid lip service to her safety, for sure, but to him, a psychotic stalker remained fodder for TV dramas, nothing to invade his perfectly curated life.
