Page 63 of Killer Sins

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“I hope so too,” Tenaya managed faintly. Oh, how she wished her fairy tale love with Tai was genuine instead of merely a facade.

Megan gave her a quick hug. “I’ll cover for you if Jarrod asks.”

Tenaya turned to Tai, pulse skittering. She tamped down the flare of hope sternly. Wishful thinking would only lead to disappointment when this temporary arrangement between them ended.

Tai watched her, some unspoken emotion darkening his eyes. Tenaya held her breath, praying he might want to prolong their time together as much as she did.

Tai prowled the perimeter of her office, radiating restless energy. Tenaya watched him pace, perplexed. It wasn’t like the unflappable soldier to be so visibly agitated. Especially with Bridger and the others out following such a promising lead to capture Svetlana.

She studied his stern profile, curiosity rising. What could be weighing on him so heavily? He was normally the picture of stoic capability on missions. Yet today, his jerky motions and flashing eyes revealed some inner turmoil.

Her thoughts drifted as she observed him. Despite their vastly different backgrounds, she felt connected to him on some deeper level. He possessed such strength of character, quietly giving so much of himself to protect others. Much like her father.

The thought pulled her up short. When had her lifelong anger at Graham faded to these new...not warm, not yet... but neutral feelings? The fiery resentment she’d clung to for so long had cooled to barely a flicker.

Silently, she lifted a prayer of thanks for this thawing in her heart. And she breathed another desperate prayer—that the Lord might direct her toward a new path after this nightmare ended. A life of meaning and purpose, rather than merely chasing wealth and prestige.

Perhaps even a life joined with a man like Tai, who willingly risked everything for the greater good. A loyal, unrelenting protector, yet with a hidden tender heart beneath the armor.

She allowed herself a moment to admire his character and strength. A man like him by her side would be a gift beyond measure.

“No reason to stick around here,” she pointed out.

Tai nodded and tapped his comlink, informing Graham tersely that he was switching off his earpiece for a minute. He sank down in the chair beside her, knee jittering.

“Have you ever thought about changing things up?” he asked abruptly. “Heading in a different direction?”

Tenaya’s heart stuttered. Was he implying what she desperately hoped—that he wanted her to consider moving to Redemption Creek after this ended?

“If you ask me, you don’t belong here.” He rubbed the back of his neck, gaze darting away. “It’s just, the town could really use someone like you. A tough lawyer ready to fight for the little guy. Something to think about.”

He cleared his throat roughly. “What I mean is, I’d like for us to keep in touch after this is over. If you’d be okay with that.”

Tenaya’s pulse skittered faster. However uncertain the future, keeping even this tentative connection filled her with shy happiness.

“I’d like that too,” she whispered.

Tai’s answering smile outshone the sun. He reached over to squeeze her hand, callused palm grazing her knuckles. The fleeting contact sang through her veins. Whatever came next, they would face it together.

Tai reactivated his earpiece, then grimaced at whatever he was hearing from Graham. “Your dad says he’s watching me.”

More pleased than angry, Tenaya rolled her eyes. “Tell him I’m a grown woman. I can make my own choices. No. Wait. I’ll do it.” She cupped her hands around her mouth. “I can make my own choices,” she said into Tai’s ear.

“He heard you.” Tai’s mouth quirked. “Give the guy a break. He’s pretty new at this whole dad thing.” His eyes crinkled with amusement. “Let him stretch his overprotective wings a little.”

Tenaya huffed a soft laugh. As irritating as her father’s heavy-handed warnings were, part of her liked having someone care enough to issue them. Maybe this whole nightmare would have a fairytale ending after all. She scarcely dared hope.

“Hang on.” Tai cocked his head, holding up his hand for silence as he listened intently to his earpiece again. A fierce grin split his face. “They’ve got her. Svetlana’s in custody.”

Yes! Relief crashed over her in a dizzying wave. It was finally over.

Tai was already moving toward the door, tension radiating off him. “Come on, we need to get to the interrogation.”

Tenaya hurried after him on rubbery legs, buoyed by hope. Somehow, someway, stopping Sveltana would lead to her own version of happily ever after.


The comforting scents of yeast and chocolate enveloped Tai as he prowled the dimmest corner of the warehouse behind the industrial bakery. Shrink-wrapped pallets of bread and cookies towered around him, stacked beneath the steel rafters. The place was deserted at this hour, the factory shut down for the night. Only the faint hum of motors and hiss of ventilation systems disturbed the tense silence.
