Page 64 of Killer Sins

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In the center of the space, Svetlana sat bound to a chair, elegant features etched with fury. If her expression weren’t so deadly, the slender blonde forty-something would be attractive, if in a worn, brittle way.

She was still dressed in the silk blouse and designer slacks she’d worn to meet with the Golden Dragon representative, clearly intending to portray the image of a privileged socialite rather than a ruthless mob boss. Whatever the outfit, the cruel set to her mouth would have given her away, at least to Tai.

He watched her closely, cataloging every minute shift in her expression. Despite the anger pulsating off her, her blue eyes were cold and lifeless. Tai suppressed a shiver, unnerved by her dead gaze. Svetlana had ordered the murder of an innocent woman, and Tenaya’s stalking, without blinking. Her complete lack of conscience made her more dangerous than any gun or knife.

Beside him, Tenaya shifted from foot to foot, equally silent. He understood her agitation, but regretted that she’d insisted on being present for this confrontation. Not that he had protested. She was safer here with the team surrounding her than anywhere else.

Tai glanced over at Mason. “I can’t believe you just happened to have a contact in LA willing to let us use his commercial bakery warehouse for interrogations.”

Mason shrugged. “I handled some––delicate––negotiations for the guy. A blow up over the price of silver dragees. International matter. Lots of automatic weapons involved.”

Fenn wrinkled his nose. “Dragees? Are those coins?”

Mason rolled his eyes. “Sugar pearls. You know, those little silver balls people sprinkle on high-end cupcakes and stuff?”

“Huh.” Fenn ripped open a packet of chocolate chip cookies from one of the pallets and shoved two in his mouth.

Kate made a face. “Do you have to eat the merchandise?”

“What?” Fenn mumbled around a mouthful of crumbs. “Gotta keep my strength up.” He patted his flat stomach. “You’re just jealous because I can eat anything and stay this ripped.”

Kate feigned disgust. “You wish.”

Tai refocused his attention on their prisoner. Time to get answers and ensure this viper never harmed anyone again.

Svetlana lifted her chin arrogantly as they approached. Bridger had told him she hadn’t uttered a word, beyond a string of curses since they captured her. Her cool gaze slid contemptuously over Tenaya.

“Nothing personal,” the woman said. “You were a passable lawyer. But my stupid brother’s obsession was too good a coincidence to pass up.”

Revulsion rose in Tai at her callous words. This woman had toyed with lives without conscience. Her casual cruelty had to end.

He clenched his fists, banked rage burning through his veins. He forced himself to hang back, close to Tenaya, who watched, wide-eyed as Bridger and Fenn surrounded the woman.

Bridger circled behind the prisoner, his movements casual yet hinting at restrained menace. “Let’s start simple. Who ordered the hit on Li Wei’s girlfriend?”

Svetlana stared into the distance, lips pressed tight.

Fenn leaned against the wall, fiddling with a knife. “Come on, we’re all friends here. No need for the silent treatment.” His voice remained light and conversational, at odds with the implicit threat of the blade.

Bridger continued his slow prowl around Svetlana’s chair. “You can make this easy by talking to us now. Otherwise, things get...unpleasant.”

Her chin lifted in insolent defiance. Tai could almost see the hatred roiling beneath her icy exterior. Intimidation wouldn’t suffice to break her.

He tensed, ready to jump in and get more aggressive if needed. Svetlana’s composure only increased his determination to shatter it completely. She would talk, whether she wanted to or not.

Fenn slapped the knife against his palm. “Last chance before we stop playing nice.” His smile remained easy but his eyes turned flinty. “What’s your position in the Red Hand?”

Svetlana spat on the floor.

Bridger and Fenn shared a long look. Bridger hitched up one shoulder. “Looks like Mrs. Moreau prefers to do things the hard way.”

“I’m good with that.” Fenn smirked, a cold expression that transformed his charming looks. He flipped the knife, palming it blade-out.

But before the two men could launch into the next phase of their interrogation, Paige looked up from her bank of monitors. “Incoming. Two LAPD SWAT vans headed this way fast.”

Tai crossed swiftly to Paige’s surveillance setup, scanning the feeds over her shoulder.

Mason joined them, thrusting a thick finger at the screen. “Can you zoom in there, on the guy in the passenger seat?”
