Page 65 of Killer Sins

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Paige toggled the drone’s controls, focusing on the men in the front of the leading van.

Mason grunted. “They’re not official SWAT. Uniforms don’t match. See?” He pointed at the passenger and driver. “Plus the tires aren’t right. LAPD uses special high-performance tires. So do the feds. These are standard commercial junk. Whoever our friends are, they’re not legit.”

Tai nodded, noting the same details. No insignia or name badges either.

“Could be NSA, FBI, or Red Hand,” Kate speculated tersely.

Tai tensed. No way these imposters would take Svetlana from them before they got answers. He exchanged a silent look with Bridger, who nodded.

Bridger turned to Svetlana, eyes glinting. “Last chance to make this easy on yourself. Call off your crew, or things get painful.”

Svetlana’s face twisted in a skeptical look. “Nice try. You play by the rules. You’re not going to hurt me.”

Tires squealing, the bogus SWAT convoy skidded to a stop outside the warehouse. Tai’s instincts screamed to fight. But with Tenaya at risk, their options were limited. Jaw clenched, he met Bridger’s eyes and nodded. They had no choice but to let Svetlana go. This time.

“As long as we return the merch, they won’t pick a fight,” Bridger mused.

Tai glared at Svetlana. Defeat burned in his throat. “I agree.”

“Copy that,” Graham added.

Bridger backed away from the prisoner. “Defensive positions, everyone.”

The team melted into the shadows, weapons at the ready in case the interlopers decided to rumble.

Tai pulled Tenaya deep into the warehouse. “Keep down,” he ordered once he was in a defensible position. She crouched behind him without a sound. Thankful for her obedience, he unholstered his M18 and inched forward until he could see Svetlana in the clearing.

“Tell them to come on in,” Bridger ordered Paige over the comlink.

“You got it,” Paige responded.

Tai could hear her fingers tapping keys over the comms. Tuning in to the bad guys’ radio frequency, he figured. “We’re standing down,” she announced over the radio. “Come and get her.”

Weapons raised, the fake SWAT team swarmed inside in a cacophony of heavy boots and shouted commands. Their voices echoed off the concrete floors and metal rafters, the warehouse amplifying the din. The noise grated against Tai’s senses, already on high alert.

As her people cut Svetlana loose, she smiled. Clearly these were her crew, not law enforcement. Tai noted the subtle familiarity in their interactions, his observational skills on overdrive.

He trembled with the effort of remaining still, letting the enemy walk away. His hands twitched with the urge to draw his weapon, his heart pounding fast and loud in his ears.

As soon as the metal doors slammed shut, the team re-emerged from the shadows. After the convoy disappeared with Svetlana, Tai lashed out in frustration, kicking over the chair with a resounding crack. “I hate it when the bad guys win.” The words tore from his throat, echoing through the empty space.

Paige stepped up, holding a small laptop with a satisfied smile. “Who says they won?” She waggled the computer enticingly. “I managed to hang onto Svetlana’s laptop. I’m betting it gives us everything we need to take her down.”

Tai huffed a surprised laugh, relief washing over him in a cool wave. As the adrenaline ebbed, he became aware again of the lingering scents of chocolate and bread surrounding them. The comforting smells grounded him.

Once again, his brilliant teammates had outmaneuvered the enemy. Justice would come, if not today then soon.

Tenaya would be safe, and Svetlana would pay for her crimes.

“Incoming!” Fenn yelled before heaving a package of cookies across the warehouse.

Tai barely raised his hand in time to intercept it. The package crinkled in his hand, the sound launching a thousand childhood memories. He allowed himself a small smile and ripped open the package before stuffing a cookie in his mouth.

Thanks to Paige, they’d enjoy a sweet victory. The rest could wait.


Back at her condo, Tenaya’s nerves remained on edge. Losing Svetlana without answers was a huge blow. Would the threats resume now that the woman was free?
