Page 67 of Killer Sins

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“My office.” Tenaya’s voice was so small she wasn’t sure anyone heard her. Or maybe it was just the pounding of her heart in her ears. She could see it all so clearly now. Jarrod, stopping by to needle her. He had brushed right past her jacket and purse on the chair…

Her father planted his hands on his hips. “Tenaya’s right. This one’s on me. Vogler came into her office while you guys were grabbing the Moreau woman. He must have planted it then.”

The truth crashed over Tenaya in waves. Jarrod’s betrayal cut deeper than she could have imagined.


The savory scents of Mason’s grilled sandwiches wafted over from the kitchen, turning Tenaya’s stomach. She stared numbly at the tracker on the counter, her appetite vanishing. How long had Jarrod been spying on her every move for Svetlana? Weeks? Months? The entire time since the new threats began?

Bile rose in her throat as she imagined Jarrod cataloging her habits, her vulnerabilities. Reporting it all to help Svetlana play her sick games. She’d grown accustomed to constantly scanning for danger, expecting her stalker around every corner. But knowing Jarrod had betrayed her so profoundly, her whole world felt like it was built on lies.

Who else might be on Svetlana’s payroll? The bookkeeper? Her own secretary, Megan? Tenaya’s gut knotted at the thought. How many supposed friends were actually enemies?

She sagged against the counter, overcome by tremors. Tai was instantly at her side, gripping her shoulders, emanating quiet strength. She focused on his touch, warm and real.

Paige’s voice broke the silence, sharp and assured. “I hacked your firm’s accounts and Jarrod’s personal finances. The firm checks out clean, but Jarrod’s showing some massive cash deposits. He tried to hide them. Amateur stuff. It won’t be hard to trace them to the Red Hand.”

Tenaya’s gut twisted, fresh betrayal spearing through her.

“It’s unlikely Megan was involved,” Paige continued. “No suspicious activity in her finances. She doesn’t have the sophistication to hide payoffs like Jarrod did.” Paige leaned back in her seat, arching her back and rubbing her neck before attacking her keyboard again. “I’ll check out the rest of the firm’s employees just to be certain Svetlana doesn’t have anybody else on her payroll.”

Weak with relief, Tenaya licked her lips. Megan was still a friend. Not everyone was corrupted.

Tai’s expression darkened, fury in every line of his body. “I’ll handle Vogler myself.”

Bridger held up a hand. “He’s probably already been tipped off. Svetlana will ensure he flees before we reach him.”

“Or silence him for good,” Tai added grimly. “She killed her own brother. No reason to let Jarrod live to testify.”

Tenaya shuddered at the thought, stomach lurching. However deeply Jarrod had cut her, she didn’t wish death on him. “We should try to get to him first. Save him if we can.” The words stuck in her throat, but she forced them out.

Tai and Graham exchanged conflicted looks, clearly not eager to rescue the man who had betrayed her trust. But they nodded. “We’ll do our best.”

Mason cleared his throat. “We should leave the tracker be for now. It’s possible Svetlana hasn’t clued him in. If not, we can use that, let him lead us to more evidence before we confront him.”

It turned Tenaya’s stomach to prolong the invasive surveillance. But Mason was right—the tracker could still prove useful. She steeled herself and nodded.

Her mind raced as the team discussed options for intercepting Jarrod. Going in as FBI would draw too much scrutiny. They needed subtler maneuvering.

Her gaze landed on Fenn and Kate. An idea sparked. “You two haven’t been to my office yet. If we get you on Jarrod’s calendar for an appointment...”

Paige’s fingers were already flying over her laptop. “On it. Jarrod has two meetings this afternoon. I can plug Fenn and Kate in as his three p.m.”

Fenn looked bemused. “So why are Kate and I supposedly meeting with a divorce lawyer?”

“An amicable split?” Kate suggested wryly.

Tenaya shook her head. “No such thing in my legal circles. But you could be seeking a prenuptial agreement before tying the knot.”

Fenn and Kate exchanged startled looks at the notion of being a couple.

Fenn grinned. “Well I’m sure I could handle being engaged to you if required for the mission.”

Kate pinned him with an icy stare. “Let’s be clear—there is nothing about being with me that you could handle.”

“Copy that, Hackett,” Fenn laughed with an exaggerated wink, though Tenaya noticed his eyes held a glint of real interest. Clearly he enjoyed Kate’s sharp tongue.

Tenaya had to smile slightly, despite her inner turmoil. The banter lightened her spirits.
