Page 68 of Killer Sins

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Tai grinned approvingly as the plan came together. “Fenn and Kate get Jarrod out of his office. We’ll have a van waiting to intercept outside. Clean and simple.”

Tenaya wished it could be that straightforward. But experience had taught her to expect complications and contingencies. The emotional tempest inside wouldn’t dissipate quickly or easily. Jarrod’s betrayal had shaken her deeply, violating her ability to trust. Letting someone so toxic get so close was a mistake she wouldn’t repeat.


“Are you sure you’re good with this plan?” Tai asked once he and Tenaya were finally alone. The rest of the team had headed off to work out the trap for Svetlana, leaving them blessedly isolated.

He studied Tenaya’s face, looking for any cracks in her calm facade. After the relentless threats and Jarrod’s appalling betrayal, she had every right to be shaken. But as always, her strength and poise impressed him. Still, he had to be sure this risky scheme wasn’t asking too much of her resilience.

She met his searching gaze unflinchingly, her eyes twin dark pools of resolve. “I’m good,” she said steadily. “It’s time to end this.”

Tai nodded, pride and protectiveness welling within him. Though they came from vastly different worlds, the same relentless fire for justice burned inside both of them.

He rested his palm against her cheek. “Whatever happens, I’ve got you.”

The words conveyed everything he couldn’t yet say out loud. That she had entwined herself into the fabric of his life, until he couldn’t imagine it without her.

He cast about for something trivial to discuss. He was dying to talk about the future, but he didn’t want to rush her into anything too meaningful. Not when her trust had just been so shaken.

He launched into a lengthy description of the detective series he was watching lately, rambling on about the improbable plot twists.

Tenaya nodded along, responding with murmurs like “Oh really?” and “How funny.” But her tone was distant, thoughts clearly elsewhere.

“So, this detective is sure the dog walker is the killer...” he began again.

“Tai.” She interrupted gently. “Tell me more about Redemption Creek. It seems like you’re all really happy there.”

No question, her request thrilled him, but was this really the time? He paused, tempted but hesitant. He wanted to show her, not tell her. He couldn’t wait to invite her back, under happy circumstances this time. Bridger and Jane’s wedding would be the perfect opportunity to ease her into the idea of a move. Which they could discuss later. Probably they should actually catch the bad guys before he started trying to win her over. Right?

He cleared his throat, searching for bland, mundane, safe words. “It’s...great. Serene. Quiet. It’s a tight community. Folks help each other.”

He paused again. Digging into his strong feelings for the place felt wrong somehow. He wasn’t at the top of his game at the moment, either. If he chose the wrong words…overwhelmed her, any possibility of a relationship could be over before it started.

“Sounds like heaven,” she said, her voice wistful.

What was he so worried about? She didn’t need him to protect her feelings. The woman was an attorney. She wielded words with the precision of a scalpel. If she wanted to consider the future, it wasn’t his job to stop her.

“Don’t get me wrong. It can feel a little small sometimes,” he cautioned. “I think the only way to know is to give it a try.”

She cocked her head, a tiny smile just curling the edge of her mouth.

He pressed a hand to his belly. He felt like he was on a roller coaster. “You might like small town living.” And if she didn’t? There were lots of ways to make this work.

“Or maybe LA will grow on me,” he added in the spirit of fairness, though he already knew the answer. The megalopolis would not grow on him, but if he had to put up with a long-distance relationship for a while, it wouldn’t be the worst thing. Redemption Creek was only a few hours away. Totally doable.

She threw him the first genuine smile he’d seen since they met. It was like the clouds parting. “I like your thinking, sir.”

They just stood there, grinning at each other like fools. He couldn’t think of a word to say. Maybe that was best.

He cleared his throat, fiddling with the keys in his pocket when Bridger’s voice crackled over the comlink. “Yo, bro. Bad news. We just rolled up at Steadman Graham. Vogler’s not here. His secretary says he tore out of here forty minutes ago like his hair was on fire.”

Tai froze, gut sinking. Where was Vogler, if not the office? He snapped into mission mode, pinning Tenaya with a look. “What’s Jarrod drive?”

Her eyes widened. She jumped to her feet. “A red Mercedes sports car.”

Tai relayed the intel to the team. “Paige, run a search for that vehicle leaving Jarrod’s office garage.”

“Already on it,” Paige replied briskly. “Bingo. A Mercedes Roadster left the garage forty minutes ago and got on the eastbound 405.”
