Page 72 of Killer Sins

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Tai touched his earpiece lightly, signaling the others to stand by. It was a risk involving Tenaya again, but the only way forward. He had to trust the Lord now.

“She comes in and you can leave with this one.” Jarrod poked Megan in the shoulder.

Tai concentrated on not moving. “You got it.” Exactly what they expected the stupid civie to do.

Fenn made a noise over the comlink. “Idiot.”

Bridger sighed. “Good bye, Eurocopter.”

“We’re ready,” Kate announced. “Tenaya understands the parameters.”

She’d better, Tai thought. If not, this would go badly wrong.

“Everybody stay calm,” Bridger counseled over the comms. “Things are about to go nuclear.”

Tai raised his hands higher and prayed.


Tai’s gut twisted with dread as Tenaya appeared, silhouetted in the hangar’s open doorway, hands raised in surrender. His fierce brave Tenaya, walking willingly into the lion’s den. Most civilians would balk at confronting a madman, even to save a friend. But not his Tenaya.

Squaring her slender shoulders, she glided inside with measured steps. “I’m here like you asked, Jarrod. Let Megan go.” Though her voice remained steady, Tai detected the faint quaver she couldn’t fully suppress.

“About time. Get in here.” Jarrod’s harsh command echoed through the empty space.

Tai sucked in a deep breath, the smells of rubber, jet fuel and his own sour anxiety flooding his senses. Please Lord, protect us, he prayed fervently as Tenaya crossed the threshold into peril.

His gut churned with impotent fury at being unable to shield her from this predator. But he had to trust she could handle herself, just for a few moments more.

Jarrod wouldn’t dare harm the woman who held the key to his escape.

Tai comforted himself with the knowledge that the second Megan was clear, his team would drop the man with brutal efficiency. Tenaya just had to stay calm and buy them those precious seconds. He had faith she could do it, no matter the risk. She was one of the bravest souls he had ever known.

His heart thundered as she approached. She was almost within reach when Jarrod emerged from behind the helicopter, dragging Megan.

“That’s far enough!” he barked, halting Tenaya’s progress.

Tai clenched his fists in frustration. They needed to shift Jarrod farther left, away from the team’s planned point of entry.

He caught Tenaya’s eyes, willing her to understand.

Something in her gaze seemed to click. Without hesitation, Tenaya cried out as if in pain, wobbling precariously on her heels. “Ouch!”

She sank to the floor, grimacing as she grasped her ankle. Jarrod reacted on instinct, shoving Megan left, away from Tenaya’s crumpled form.

Tai lunged forward, shielding Tenaya as he helped her up. It was perfect—Jarrod and Megan now stood exactly where he needed them.

“Now!” Tai barked into his mic, signaling the team as he lurched sideways, shoving Tenaya farther to the left side of the hangar.

Jarrod’s head swiveled toward the faint scuff of his boot against the floor. Tai froze, knowing he was exposed.

Before Jarrod could react, the hangar exploded inward in a cacophony of shrieking metal. The hood of the big SUV blasted through the hangar door, Bridger at the wheel.

The vehicle slammed violently into the helicopter, knocking the craft onto its side with an ear-splitting screech. Jarrod ducked, spinning away, one hand clamped around Megan’s arm, the other brandishing his handgun.

Tai swore, finding no clear shot. He started to turn for better position, but to his horror, Tenaya leapt forward, shoving him out of the line of fire.

Jarrod’s gun roared, the blast deafening in the enclosed space.

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