Page 71 of Killer Sins

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She insisted on joining him inside, but Tai refused. “More targets only helps Jarrod. He won’t kill Megan and lose leverage, but if he’s got more of us to choose from…”

He didn’t have to spell it out any further. More hostages meant Jarrod could lose a few.

Her stomach heaved in protest, but she understood Tai’s logic. Going inside now would only endanger Megan.

Jaw clenched, she watched Tai disappear into the hangar.


Hands at head height, Tai moved with measured steps into the vast hangar, senses on high alert. The cavernous space amplified every scuff of his boots on the concrete floor. Overhead, the glaring lights illuminated two prized aircraft—a sleek blue Eurocopter and a pristine Pilatus jet—along with the huddled forms of Megan and Jarrod in the far corner.

Even from a distance, Megan’s trembling was visible. Jarrod had her pinned against the wall, a Glock 19 pressed to her temple. If the wimp wasn’t holding a trembling woman at gunpoint, Tai would have had him disarmed in a hot second. At point-blank range, though, any shot would be deadly.

“We’re here,” Tai called out. Hands high he inched forward. “What do you want?”

Jarrod’s eyes were wild, his voice jittery. “Follow my orders and I’ll let this one go. You’re gonna get whoever can fly that plane behind me to take me and Tenaya away from here.” He jabbed the gun harder against Megan’s head, eliciting a faint gasp. “I’ll give our destination once we’re airborne.”

Tai tamped down the fury burning through his veins. Not gonna happen. Jarrod would be dead before Tai would allow him to touch her.

He held his hands higher in a show of cooperation, though every muscle vibrated with tension. “Take me instead. Leave Tenaya and Megan out of this.”

Jarrod bared his teeth. “I don’t think so.” He ground the gun barrel viciously into Megan’s temple.

Megan whimpered, clearly terrified. At the painful sound, rage ignited within Tai, a raw fury screaming to be unleashed. With monumental effort, he gentled his voice. “Easy now. We can talk this through.” His steady gaze bored into Jarrod, projecting calm control.

Inside, Tai’s thoughts raced. He had to separate Megan from Jarrod. Just a little farther into the hangar, and he would have a clean shot...

“I’m already here,” he argued, edging another step closer. “Take me instead. Tie me up, knock me around—whatever you want.” He forced his voice to remain steady. “Just let the women walk away.”

Jarrod bared his teeth, shoving the gun barrel bruisingly against Megan’s cheek. “Not happening.” His eyes bored into Tai’s, fever-bright. “I want Tenaya. Only her. Bring her to me and you get this one back.”

He shook Megan roughly, eliciting a faint sob. At the pitiful sound, fury ignited within Tai, raw and volcanic. He visualized a hundred ways to make this snake pay for terrorizing helpless women.

But he couldn’t risk triggering Jarrod’s hair-trigger temper. Not yet. Heart slamming against his ribs, he smoothed his features into a placating look.

“Okay, okay,” he capitulated, hands still raised. “You win. I’ll bring Tenaya inside.” He had no choice but to gamble that Jarrod wouldn’t harm Megan once he had Tenaya as a shield.

The team was listening. They’d be coaching Tenaya, articulating her part in the plan. If all went well, one of them would drop Jarrod the instant Megan was out of the line of fire.

Tai met Jarrod’s wild stare steadily, telegraphing cooperation while his heart thundered with tension. “Just don’t hurt them. Please.” He had to trust his team to react swiftly once Tenaya joined them. Kuatan. It was the only way forward.

In his earpiece, Mason’s low voice rumbled, “Graham and I have our shots lined up. If he shows his head outside the hangar, we’ll drop him.”

So all Tai had to do was hang onto the situation until Bridger––and Tenaya–– made their move. Cool.

He kept his gaze locked with Jarrod’s, radiating outward calm. “Here’s the deal. My guy has to use a tractor to tow the plane out of the hangar. Once it’s outside, I’ll have Tenaya join us.”

He edged incrementally closer. Just a few more steps and he’d be in striking range...

“Not happening.” Jarrod jammed the gun harder against Megan’s skull, eliciting a faint whimper. “Tenaya comes in here first, or no deal.”

Tai stalled, mind racing. “She’s not really my wife, you know,” he tried, layering his tone with faint disgust. “Just a job I’m stuck with.”

Jarrod barked out a harsh laugh. “I’m aware. Doesn’t matter. You may play it cool, but it’s obvious you’re stuck on her.” His mouth twisted in a mocking grin. “I’m taking Tenaya with me when I fly out of here. That’s non-negotiable.”

Fury ignited in Tai’s gut, but he kept it tightly leashed. Just a little longer to get Megan to safety. He couldn’t risk agitating Jarrod with open defiance.

He raised his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. You win. I’ll have Tenaya join us.” As soon as she was inside, the team would take Jarrod down hard.
