Page 24 of Mine

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“Where are we?” I asked quietly. My voice was hoarse, and I swallowed past my thirst. My stomach panged with hunger, and I realized I couldn’t remember the last time I’d eaten. He reached into a compartment in the car, pulled out a bottle of water and handed it to me.

“Drink,” he commanded.

I drank nearly half when he cleared his throat and curled his arms around me, holding me tighter.

“We’re just outside of Athens. I’m bringing you to my home in Vouliagmeni,” he explained gently.

As the driver glided the car through the winding roads, I couldn’t help but curl into his lap. Eventually, the car slowed to a stop, and my gaze fixated on a sight that left me breathless—a colossal mansion that stood like a regal sentinel overlooking the brilliant blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

The sheer magnitude of the residence was staggering. It sprawled elegantly across the landscape. Towering pillars adorned the entrance, and the expansive grounds seemed to extend endlessly, utterly surrounded with manicured gardens and statues that whispered of wealth and sophistication. The architecture exuded grandeur, each facet of the mansion a testament to opulence that surpassed anything I’d ever seen in my life.

Gazing up, my eyes traced the intricate detailing of the structure, from the balconies that overlooked the sea, to the windows that seemed to frame a world of extravagance within, to the wrought iron gate that framed the entryway. The mansion wore its wealth unabashedly, and I couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe at the sheer scale of it.

Who the fuck was my godfather that he could own a home like this?

“This is your home?” I asked, my disbelief shining through with every syllable.

“Yes,” he answered simply, but he said nothing more to explain how he could afford something like that.

“How?” I finally whispered.

“I’ll explain everything after we get you cleaned up and medically cleared to make sure you’re alright,” he replied, deflecting my inquiry for the moment.

I chewed the inside of my cheek, uncertainty gnawing at my insides.

“Will you tell me if I’m safe with you? That you’re not like Alexander Pappas?” I pressed.

“You’re safe with me, Maci-girl,” he replied, but he said nothing to answer my other question. I was just about to open my mouth and press a bit further, but the car door opened, and the older gentleman that had initially found me smiled warmly.

“My name is Andreas Dounas. Should you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to ask,” he said, nodding his head politely.

“Thank you,” I responded.

“A doctor is already waiting inside for her,” he added, looking directly at my godfather now with the sort of deference someone would give a king, and alarm bells sounded in the back of my head in spades now. I felt more and more uneasy as the seconds ticked by, but I tried to remember how he’d taken care of me over the years and how he’d made sure that my grandmother and I had wanted for nothing all our lives.

I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Andreas offered me a hand, but Nikolaos tightened his arms around me and carried me out of the car himself.

“I can manage,” I insisted, wanting to at least have a little bit of autonomy. With a gentle nod, he lowered me to my feet, his touch almost reluctant, as if uncertain about releasing me from the cocoon of his arms. One foot touched the ground and then the other, my legs unsteady at first and his fingers didn’t release me until I was standing up all on my own.

I took a step forward, and when I staggered, his hand was quick to reach out and catch me before I fell. Without another word, he swept me off my feet and carried me inside.

I didn’t say anything else because I was too busy taking in everything around me.

The interior of the mansion mirrored the luxury displayed outside. Intricate chandeliers spread a warm, golden glow across the space, illuminating the polished marble floors in a soft light. The furniture was beautiful, all hand-carved out of the best materials money could buy. It was just another piece of evidence that my godfather wasn’t who I thought he was, and that there was far more to the story than I’d ever thought.

“I can walk, really,” I tried once more, but Nikolaos ignored me this time and hefted me a bit higher in his arms, almost to emphasize his point in silence.

There was a pretty blonde woman in a white coat waiting for us in the foyer. I guessed that she must be the doctor Andreas had mentioned, and when she began speaking, I was sure of it.

“Where would be the best place for me to examine her?” she asked, her voice clipped and professional.

“The sitting room. Right this way,” Nikolaos led the way, striding straight into a room off the foyer. The room exuded a refined elegance, with tasteful furnishings arranged around a low wooden table.

The doctor motioned for me to sit on a plush chair, and Nikolaos reluctantly set me down, his expression revealing a complexity of emotions that I couldn’t quite get a read on. He moved to the side of the room, hovering at the periphery almost as if he didn’t want to leave me before he made sure I was alright.

“Ms. Williams, can you tell me if you’re experiencing any pain or discomfort?” the woman questioned, and I took stock of my body before shaking my head.

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