Page 9 of Mine

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I shouldn’t be looking at her like that, like I wanted to tear her clothes off and fuck her right on the floor of the station.

Held captive by the secluded oasis of her eyes, I didn’t look away until the burly bored-looking man at the counter annoyingly cleared his throat. Immediately, I wanted to punch him.

“Maci Williams?”

“That’s me,” she said quietly, the musical cadence of her voice enough to send a jolt of desire straight down my cock. I lifted my chin higher, appraising her coldly and doing anything I possibly could to hide the direction of my thoughts.

She couldn’t know that I wanted nothing more than to push her down on her knees and fuck that pretty mouth with my cock.

“You’re free to go. Your bail has been posted. I just need you to sign here,” he said as he glanced down at a clipboard. After a moment, he handed it over to her and the pen scratched against the paper as she signed it.

It was loud in the ensuing silence.

“Here’s your things,” he said blandly, handing over a plastic bag with her phone. The officer’s gaze bored into her as if assessing the gravity of her choices, and I found myself aggravated on her behalf.

He didn’t get to look at her like that.

I did.

“Anything you need to declare missing or stolen?” he said coldly, and she shook her head.

“No, just this,” she answered. Her gaze flittered nervously to mine, and I softened my face. She’d probably had a long night, and I wanted to get her out of here before I said anything about how foolish she had been. Right now, she just needed someone to take care of her and I would be that man for her.

I could be more than enough man for her…

The man at the counter turned away, and I strode forward with a gentle smile when my thoughts were anything but that. She turned to face me and flinched a little.

Maybe she expected me to yell at her, but I wasn’t the kind of man who wore his emotions on his sleeve.

No. You’re just the kind of man that wants to do very shameful things to her far too young body whether she likes it or not.

“How’re you holding up, Maci?” I asked gently, and her expression turned weary, like she had finally allowed herself a moment to relax.

“It’s been hard,” she admitted, and I smiled softly.

“Let’s get you out of here,” I offered, guiding her gently out the door to my black Range Rover just outside. Like a gentleman, I opened the passenger side for her to climb inside before I hopped into the driver’s seat.

A heavy silence reigned between us before the audible sound of her nervous swallow stole away the quiet.

“Thank you for what you did for me,” she murmured, and I cleared my own throat.

“The legal team I put together for you are some of the very best in the country. At worst, you’ll be offered a plea deal, and at best, they’ll be able to expunge it off your record for good. Maybe get you some community service. Either way, everything will be alright,” I explained, my tone carrying with it the weight of reassurance, and she nodded beside me.

Her fingers flexed and curled together in her lap, and I had trouble not imagining them wrapping around my cock.

With a weary sigh at the direction of my thoughts, I turned over the engine and the low rumble reverberated as I pulled away from the station. As the countryside passed by, I found myself compelled to dive into her decision to get into this mess in the first place. I wanted to know why.

So, you can punish her as you see fit.

I shook my head. I needed to get ahold of myself. I was better than this.

Soon, I couldn’t hold myself back any longer.

“Now, care to share why you decided to take a moonlit drive with a drunk boy in the first place?” I inquired, my tone firm and completely devoid of any playful undertones.

Immediately, her whole body tensed with defensiveness. From the slight stiffening in her shoulders to the rigid set of her jaw, everything about her told me that she didn’t want to be scolded, but I wasn’t about to give her that choice.

It was either that, or I was going to pull this car right over and…
