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“We can go someplace else if you want. The coffee shop is open right now.”

I shook my head firmly. “No, I’m not going to let her get to us. Plus, I want to try the food here.”

“Okay, but I’m going to come and sit next to you.” Sure enough, he got up from his side of the booth, and slid into my side so that he was now on the aisle. I felt myself blushing as he put an arm around me.

“Before we were interrupted,” he said, “you were saying it felt like home here.”

“Oh yes. I feel like I’ve come home, that I’m not just a visitor here. When I travel, it’s different. I enjoy the food, the people, the sights, but when it’s time to go, I have no problem leaving. I usually then head to where my sister is and hang out with her until my next escapade. It feels different here, though. Like home. I could definitely come back.”

He smiled at me, his hand squeezing my shoulder as he pulled me close. “I’d like that. Where was home before?”

Blushing, I said quietly, “We were sent to boarding school at the same time Mom and Dad sold the family home and started traveling by themselves. Since then, they’ve bought other houses here and there. They’re all over the world, but the only house that’s remained stable in our life is the San Francisco house. It’s been in the family for generations. My sister and I first visited it when we were young but never lived there till after Grandma passed away. Oh, and I’m forgetting about the house I live in now. There’s that one too. Otherwise, there’s no real home, so to speak.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve always?—”

“Here’s your breakfast special,” Suzy said, reappearing and plopping our food in front of us. My egg slid off the plate and onto the table. Giving me another look, she left.

“Sorry about that,” Bruno said, using his fork to pick up the egg and placing it back on my plate.

“Don’t worry about it; I’m not bothered by her. You were saying?”

“I was going to say I’ve always loved that I have a home here and it isn’t going anywhere.”

“Yeah, that must be a nice feeling.”

He put his hand on mine, and I lifted my eyes to his. “I’d love for you to have that too, Millie.”

Looking into his eyes, I could tell he meant it. There was a connection between the two of us, and I was falling for him fast. This had never happened before, and it made me scared, but when he lifted his arm and hand away so that we could eat, I immediately wanted him to hold me again.

“Bon appétit,” he said.

I dipped my fork into the egg and watched as the yolk washed over the hash browns. Taking a good helping, I groaned when I tasted the crunch of the hash browns with the gooeyness of the egg.

“Wait till you try the waffles and French toast,” Bruno said.

“I can’t wait.” I was already helping myself to a good bite of French toast.

“How is it?” Suzy asked, reappearing just as suddenly as she last left.

“Suzy, we’re doing just fine and don’t need anything,” Bruno said, giving her a flat stare.

But she squared her shoulders and said, “I just have one question for Millie.”

“What’s that?” I asked, not wanting her to think she was getting to me. I’d dealt with worse personalities than her.

“Do you like to dance?” she asked.

“I love to. Are you inviting me to a dance with you?” I put on my best smile.

“Of course not. I wouldn’t go anywhere with you in a million years. You’re no better than?—”

“That’s enough,” Bruno said.

His voice, low and deep, carried across to the neighboring customers, who instantly stopped what they were doing and looked our way. There had been a command in his voice, and I felt it ripple through me. The tingling sensation happened again in my hands, and I closed my eyes, willing them not to erupt in smoke or, worse yet, flames. Thankfully, the feeling subsided while Bruno was still focused on Suzy.

“I will call you over if we need your help with anything,” he was now saying. “Otherwise, please leave us alone.”

Suzy’s lips were pursed as she walked away, her head held high in defiance.
